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You cant really plan everything in life

They always say 'problems you faced really happened for a reason'

And the ending is not always happy, its not always sad

You should know how to accept the path destiny gives you

There's always a reason for everything

Perrie's POV

Its been 10 years since the tragedy happened and it leave us a lesson we already move on from that and guess what


"You may kiss the bride" the priest said

"What are you waiting for" i asked her but she just smirked

"I love you my wife" she said and i grinned widely and kissed her lips

"I love you Mrs Jade Edwards" i said and she kissed me

*End Of Flashback*

Yes you are right! Jade and i are already married!

And yes again you are right! Jade is alive but at first i thought she's dead tho! But the thing i heard at the hospital on that day is just a telephone ringing tone of the nurse who's walking nearly to me but when i opened my eyes i saw jade already looking at me on the window but she's still on the hospital bed really looked so tired and sweaty. But she's smirking and winking at me

"Mom we're home" gab said and hugged me he is now actually taller than me

" hi mom!" Gabbie said and hugged me too i saw jade walking to our door walking closer to me like a model

"Hi baby" she said and kissed my lips

If you'll asked gab and gabbie already know that jade is really their second mother and they said before jade and i told them they already have a wild feelings that jade is really their mother and they actually liked it so its just fine with them

Gab is already well and recovered the chris guy is on the dswd since his father is still on the jail.

My baby jade is also fine too, she is really fully recovered from her cancer now

Jesy and leigh anne also adopted a kid and they named it jake andre since, gab really like to give his name to the kid and both of her aunties agreed.

The one direction boys take a break from their career so they can bond with us.

My mom and jade's mom is still healthy alive and kicking

We reopened our bar

"Baby what are you thinking" jade asked while we are on the bed hugging each other

"About all the things that happened to us from the start" i said

And i heard her giggled

"I love you perrie" she said

"I love you too jadey! Im happy you're still alive" i said and giggled

"Oh" she said and giggled when she remembered the problems we encountered

"I know right" she said

"Mom!" I heard someone called to the door and i saw gabbie with pillow on her hand

"Can we sleep with you please" gab said and i heard jade chuckled

" ugh you two are already so big we cant fit here all at our bed" i said

"Please moooomm" gab said

"Ugh okay" they said

"Mom do you remember the day when we asked you if we have dad and you told us that our other mom is already dead" gab said and i giggled remembering what they did to alex that time

"And looked at the girl besides you mom! She's alive! Can you believe it?!" gab said and we all laughed

How i love this family im already contented and happy hope this is not the end

Bzzzttt bzzzttt

Gab's phone vibrated and he opened his phone

I saw the text message come from an unknown number

Unknown: Hi😘

Unknown: how are you?❤

And he typed the exact familiar message i received back from when i was still a teenager

"Who the hell are you?!" And he clicked the sent button

Little did he know that when the time he started to sent that message is also the time that will change his life forever and there's no turning back.

- The End -


Gab and gabbie

I'll start posting the chapters of my other story! Thankyou for supporting me and reading this story i love you all❤

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I'll start posting the chapters of my other story! Thankyou for supporting me and reading this story i love you all❤

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