Chapter 18

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Perrie's POV

*ringgg ringg*

I answered the phone its unknown number

"Hello who's this?" I asked

"Awww you forget about me" she said on the line i giggled

"Sorry jadeyy i didnt know " i said and smiled

"So why did you call me?" I asked

"Leigh wanted to throw a party!" She said

"Oh im in! On what house she'll use?" I asked

"On your house" she said

"Thats completely fine since its saturday tomorrow!" I said

"The party will be later we'll going to invite all our friends" she said

"Okay i'll invite them now" i said

"The party is later 9:00pm" she said and hung up

*ringgg ringgg* oh whats up with her

"Oh-" she stopped me

"I love you" she said and hung up again i just smiled

I set up the speaker and i ordered food since its already 8:00pm

"Mom! When will mum will go here again??" Gabbie asked

"Later baby" i said and they nod

*Knock knock*

"Come in" i said and the door opened

"WHATS UP" i heard louis shouted and i smiled

"Hello boys!" I said and they waved at me

They sat on the living room and someone knocked on the door again

"Niall can you open the door for me" i said and he nod

"Oh my goodness" i heard niall said and run back inside our house

"What happened niall why you look so pale" they asked concerned

"I-I s-saw jade" he said and i chuckled he looked at me

"J-Jade is here! Perrie did you also invite J-Jade she's already a ghost" he said and i saw jade walking inside the house i saw harry louis and liam mouth opened

"Am i seeing things right?" Louis asked

"I dont know i think i have an eyes problem" harry said

"She's getting close to us here she comes" liam said and i just giggled when i saw niall hiding his eyes with his hands

"Mum!" I heard gab said and run through jade

"Hi sweetie" jade hugged gab i saw louis stand up

"Gab stay away from her she's a ghost" louis said pulling gab away from jade

"What?" Gab said

"Jade is already dead the one youre hugging is a ghost" he said again and the boys agreed

"Mummy!" We heard gabbie said and she's about to run to jade but harry didnt let her come near jade

"What's happening to your twins perrie! They are talking to jade like she's still alive" liam said

"What are you saying uncle! mum isnt ghost" gab said

"She is!" Niall said still his eyes closed

"Whats happening people" i heard jesy said

"Oh jade!" Leigh said and walked to jade and hugged her

"What's happening to you leigh are you on drugs you know that jade is already dead" Harry said

"Stop with this childish acts" i said and they all stay quite

"Jade is alive" i said and their eyes widened

"Wait how?" Niall asked

"Its a long story" i said and they nod

"Yeah im sorry guys but i have a reason for everything" jade said

"We understand you but i hope you tell us the story" louis said

"Yes ill tell you but maybe next time" she said and they all nod

"Come on lets party!!" Jesy said

I turned on the music

We all sat here on the floor of the living room while the pillow are all on the floor (A/N: wait what lol)

"No way! So you became perrie's stalker jade?" Harry said

"Sort of but im admirer, not stalker" she said and i giggled

"Im the one who tell the kids to shoot alex with the nerf guns" she said

"Wow so youre the lady!" I said and she nod and kissed my cheeks i just blushed

"Youre also the one who texted me to go to that unknown street?" Harry asked and jade nod

"but how'd you know that perrie will be there" louis asked

"I have source" she said feeling proud

"Do you know pez that alex did something to your car thats why the engine is not working that time?" She said and i cant believe it that bastard is actually annoying

"I really hate that guy alex for you mommy you should break his face!" Gab said and i just smiled and looked at my twins who's busy eating on the couch while watching TV

"Yeah we really like our new mum now dont left her mom okay?" Gabbie said and i smiled

"Ofcourse yes baby" jade said and smiled and winked at me

We just eat and tell stories, there's a moment when the twins started the pillow fight and we are now all tired to get up and go to the rooms so we all decided to just sleep here in the living room.

Im happy that we are all still complete our friendship is still so strong like the first time when we're still in college

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