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So I've seen people talking about their classes recently, and thought why not join in 🤷🏻‍♀️

1. College Preparatory Mathematics

This class is the chilliest class ever. It's taught as a lecture style college level class, so it's in my school's lecture hall and has 76 students and 3 teachers. I've always been pretty good at math naturally. I was supposed to go into Calculus this year, but after being two years ahead, I just wanted to take a break. Especially with junior year being the "most stressful year ever."

2. US History Honors

I took AP World History last year, and wasn't feeling another AP History class. My teacher is super nice though, and she's really lenient on homework. She almost never gives work, and we just take really easy small tests between every unit. Plus there's this guy in that class that 😍 ugh he makes my heart hurt 😂

3. AP Biology

Kill me now. This class was the worst decision ever. I sucked at chem last year because my teacher would just sit at his computer all day and this teacher is no different (best part is: they're best friends too so 🤷🏻‍♀️). There's quizzes everyday and on random crap that we're just expected to know. It's a shock I'm managing a B in that class rn tbh

4. Sports Medicine 1

Everyday quizzes, hardcore presentations w/ tons of probing questions, professional dress days; those are all things that are included in this class. As hard as it is though, it is pretty cool because we get to bring in injuries in professional sports to talk about and assess. Also, the previously mentioned guy is in this class too lol

5. Medical Interventions

This is the second biomed class of junior year. It's definitely harder in the sense that it's not just learning, but applying. It's less patient based and more lab based. It's a good class for people who know they don't want to deal with patients, but it's not my cup of tea because I'm not planning on doing lab stuff in the future. I want to actually interact with my patients rather than sit in the back and do lab work.

6. AP English Language & Composition

My teacher's an outright b 😒 she's rude for no reason, strict on everyone, and walks around like she's some god. The class itself is easy, but dumb. We have to write 3 essays by next week for some competition that she's "not forcing us to participate in," but kind of is by making us write the poems. This would be a fun project if I were good at poetry, but I'm very analytical. Unlike most of you who write beautiful poems, I don't know crap about poetry.

7. AP Spanish Literature

Quizlet aka my savior. I'm a native speaker, so you would think this would be easy, but it's the exact opposite. You think Shakespeare is hard? Try reading old Spanish text. 💀 I'm amazed I have an A in the class

8. AP Psychology

This is my safe haven in the whole entire school. The teacher is so welcoming and kind. She understands when something goes wrong or when a student doesn't understand something. She's a very liberal, free spoken feminist and I love that because I feel like a lot of teachers try to sensor stuff, but not her.

For those that don't know, I initially wanted to be a pediatrician or a pediatric oncologist, but after going through regular psych last year, I feel like I found my true calling (as cheesy as it sounds). There's just so many people out there in the world struggling with mental illnesses (I hate the words "problems" or "disorders" when referring to mental illnesses because they do not cripple anyone and they are not a burden. They are uncontrollable) In the state of Nevada alone, there is a huge deficit in this field of practice. Another thing that gets me is that a lot of psychiatrists and anyone in the field of practice just pump up there patients with drugs. That helps NO ONE. It's like dehumanizing the person. And that's another thing: PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES ARE PEOPLE TOO. They're the people who are doctors, lawyers, or the ones who are standing in line next to you at the grocery store. They are not all "psychotic serial killers," that's just that whole idea that people plead insanity to get out of jail time 🤷🏻‍♀️

In case you couldn't tell, I get really passionate about this 😂 but only because I really do care and I want to make a difference in this scope of practice. Unfortunately for me, psychiatrists don't make loads of money and my dad doesn't want to put me through med school of it's not worth it in the end. He gets mad when I say "Even if they only made $10,000 a year, I'd slip below that poverty line just to help people." He just doesn't think it's a smart specialty and it makes me really upset. Lucky for me, I don't pick my specialty until after I graduate, so technically he won't know until after he pays that I'm going against him and my mom 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry not sorry 😂 is that bad?

Anyway, if you read this long af note, thank you for doing so! And just know that if you all ever need anything, like help in a class or picking a class, or just someone to talk to, I'm always here 😊

Also, I found this whole studying for my Medical Interventions test. People on quizlet can get salty 😂

 People on quizlet can get salty 😂

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With love always,

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