20|Odd Welcome Back

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So my first day of school was today, and it was pretty chill. My teachers are eh, and it was nice to see all my friends again.

But I just want to sum a few odd things up 😂

1. My math class has 76 students, and 3 teachers.
We're not even in a classroom. We don't have desks or anything. We're just in the theater because apparently my school wants us to get used to college and "lecture style" classes. I mean, it's a good thing in the long run, but overwhelming now. They're even making office hours a thing like real college professors. Our school is already known for being weird (we have no sports and are purely academic; I've mentioned it before: my school is like a community college), and now they want to add all this extra stuff? Idk how to feel or what to make of it.

 Our school is already known for being weird (we have no sports and are purely academic; I've mentioned it before: my school is like a community college), and now they want to add all this extra stuff? Idk how to feel or what to make of it

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2. It's only the first day, and I already had guy drama.
So real quick backstory: I met this guy last year that had "heard of me" because I was known around the school for being "super smart." (Okay, is that not weird first of all? That's legit the first thing he said when I introduced myself.) Anyway, we ended up becoming like acquaintances, and our relationship was strictly about school stuff. Then one day, I asked him about my chemistry class, and he answered. I thought that was the end of the conversation, but he wanted to keep talking, and I like to think I'm a friendly person, so I was like "okay, I'll talk to him." Then these conversations kept happening, and I legit never read into them. Well, the last two weeks of school come by and I get a text message. Right off the bat, I knew what it was when he used my full name (because really, no one texts me starting with: Alexis ...). I swear I was ready to die. He confessed his feelings, and I was the one who felt like crap. Well, I legit had my sister write him back because I couldn't do it myself. I strictly considered him a friend, and I felt so bad. Especially after reading the message he sent me that was legit the sweetest thing any guy could ever say. I'm not lying when I tell you guys that I only ever dreamed of getting a message like that from a guy. But as shallow as it may sound, I didn't want that message from him (I know, I'm a total b). Well, the next day at school, I see him, and smile because it's just what I do. He legit averted his eyes. Then, he tried to change seats with my friend because he didn't want to sit across from me in class even though the seating chart was very clear.

So flash forward to today, and clearly the break didn't fix anything. I really thought 7 weeks without seeing me would make him get over it, but no. I walk into my biomed class, and look to the seating chart to see that we're right next to each other. What does he do? He pretends he can't read the very clear chart, and makes this huge scandal.

I swear you guys, it's gonna be a long year in that class because we're lab partners. I'm not about to fail that class because he can't look me in the eyes. Is that rude? Maybe, but it's the harsh reality.

 Is that rude? Maybe, but it's the harsh reality

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3. Fake people never change.
I'm the type of person that trusts too easily, and I openly admit that. It's obviously not a very good thing, but it's not bad all the time because it makes me a really easygoing person. But it's bad because it's a vicious cycle of letting people get away with stuff. I saw that today when some girl came up to me wanting to be friends after the drama she caused with a ton of people last year. I don't need that in my life, hunny. ✋🏼 thanks so much

But other than all that, my first day wasn't that bad. Though I already have homework and stuff due.

Anyway, I've read that a few of you are starting school soon. To those starting high school: it's more the anticipation than anything else. Once you're there, the transition isn't that bad. Remember: all the other freshman are on the same boat with you. Have any of you started school yet?

Until next time,

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