Coffee And Ramen

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Guys, I promise it gets better right after this chapter 😂

Virgil's POV
Another day, another boring job at Starbucks. I busted tables, sweeped floors, cleaned the bathrooms, took a break, then it was my turn to work at the counter. No one was really there except a little girl with who I'm assuming is her older sister at one corner of the shop and 2 boys who were holding hands and drinking out of the same frappaccino, sitting on the couch in another corner.
Yep, pretty boring. As usual. No one in line, no one talking. (Except the little girl babbling on and on about a really really really really really really really really really good cookie she had).

Then another guy walked in. He was about the same height as me with swept back hair dyed purple. He had a white hoodie with... is that a sash? A red sash? Anyways, we wore jeans and Converse and held himself high. When he reached the counter he gave me a smile.
I silently cursed at my heart for beating faster. I think it's working just fine without this unnecessary thumping, thank you very much, Heart.

I did the whole spiel of "Hi, my name's Virgil. What do you want?" not even bothering to smile back or sound the least bit enthusiastic. Hey, it's been a long day.

He seemed unfazed. "Hi there! I'll take a  non-fat double chocolately chip frappuccino with extra whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and chocolate drizzle with caramel drizzle as well. Venti, please."  He said all that... Without breathing or pausing in between... And with a smile still on his face.

"Roman." He smiled.

Out of curiosity and annoyance at the longest order of the day, I decided to misspell 'Roman'...

The drink is finally done and I hand it to Roman, which he accepts with a chirpy, "thank you!" and took it to his table. Now I wait.

He took a few sips of his drink before noticing, and when he did, he just started smiling and chucking.
It was a beautiful smile. His eyes started to crinkle and his lips revealed beautiful white teeth.

He walked over to the counter, snapping me out of my daze, and questioned, "did you do that on purpose?" with another small chuckle.
"well, I suppose I deserved it for my order..." does this guy ever get upset?

"thank you again for my drink!" Roman yelled as he walked out.

The two guys and little girl (who was dragging an unhappy older sister) in the shop came up to me to ask things like 'was he cute?' 'did you get his number?' 'are you gonna get married??!!' (little girl) and when I answered those, the two boys walked away and I heard something odd... "That Roman guy went to another Starbucks and yelled at someone when they spelled 'Roman' with an 'H' after the 'O'. I think he likes that barista..."
Oh no.

Hey, guys! Sorry this chapter is a bit short, the next one will be short as well. The other ones will be longer!

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