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Anxiety attack: first 4 paragraphs

Patton's POV
"Oh, no..." I mumble as I realize what's probably happening.
"What? He just ran into the bathroom, what's wrong?" I guess Virgil didn't tell him...
"I think he's having an anxiety attack. Small things can trigger them, like so. I don't think he was expecting me to mention his note or for you to see it, since he wrote it on the bottom. I need to help him, I know what to do." I stand up. "I'll come, too. I may need to help him through one later on." I nod and we make our way to the bathroom.

I try the door- locked, as expected. But I do hear crying and mumbles of words, so I definitely knows it's Virgil who's in there. I run to the back and grab my keys, one of which is the bathrooms' in case of emergencies.

I unlock the door to see a small figure in the corner, moving around as if looking for an escape. I can't imagine what's going on in his head or what he's feeling right now.

I slowly walk towards him, putting a hand on his and holding it tightly, but not too tight. His hand is freezing.
"It's okay, kiddo. I've got you now."
His hands are in his hair and his face is in his knees. He's crying and muttering words I can't make out. I whisper things like "it'll be okay", "this will pass", and "I love you".

After about half an hour of comforting him and whispering soothing words in his ear, he finally manages to stop shaking and sit up. He's still crying, but he can talk now.
"Hey, kiddo. Please don't lock us out next time- we may not be able to get in." I try for a sad smile.
"We?" Virgil turned around and saw Roman. "Sorry you had to see that," he hung his head low.
"Don't apologize for something you can't control. And I wanted to come, I need to know what to do if I'm the only one around."
"That's very sweet of you, Roman, but I'm fine." Virgil states, sniffling and wiping a tear.

Roman walks over and wipes another one that Virgil had missed.
"Sure you are. Come on, Prince of Darkness, I never got to read the note. I'm curious now." Roman smiles as he walks off.
"Oh, no..." I hear Virgil say, his voice dropping low on the second word.

With that, we both stand up and follow his crush out the door.

Roman's POV
I feel so bad for Virgil- he's too good for things like that to happen to him!
Oh, well. I'm excited to see his note! I wonder what it says... I know Patton confessed via drink note, but I don't think Virge likes me like that, sadly.

I reach the couch we all were at minutes before and sat down. I wait for the others to come over before I picked up the drink.
I was about to start reading when Virgil said, "Wait, Princey? Can we do this outside?... Without Patton? I love you, buddy, but I don't know how this will all play out." He stood up and walked out of the store.
"Hopefully for the better," I hear Patton mumble beside me as he returns to the counter. I see my friend Thomas at the counter- I didn't know he works here! I wave to him and see Patton giving me a thumbs-up.

I follow Virgil's pursuit of the outdoors after a minute and find him sitting on a bench.
"I thought you had already read it and snuck out without me noticing because you hated me..." he said.
"Nothing could be so bad that I could hate you. Well, there's still some drink in this, but it's room temperature by now, so I hope you don't mind if I..."
"Go ahead, I can make you another one."
I poured it out on the grass.

Finally! I can read it!
I begin, "'I like you a latte'. Wow, that's so cheesy- wait..." I look over at Virgil who's blushing madly and looking down at his hands.

"No! This isn't supposed to happen!" I shout.
He looks at me, very hurt.
"Oh, no no no, don't worry, I'm just upset you beat me to it!"
"What are you getting at, Princey?" he's agitated and upset, I can tell.
I sit down and hold his hands, looking into his eyes.

"Virgil, do you like me?" I ask intently.
He blushes harder and answers, "Yes..."
I sigh and reply, "Well that's good, because I fancy you very much. You always get exactly every detail of my orders right, you have this sense to me that makes me feel at ease. You make me happy, Virgil. You make me feel at home."
But now I think I'm blushing, but I don't mind. Virgil is happy.

I dramatically pull out a ring pop, get down on one knee, and ask, "Virgil, will you be my boyfriend?"
"I think you know my answer," he rolls his eyes, pulling me up by my jacket sash.
We meet halfway, kissing.

When we break apart, I see both Patton and Thomas clapping; Patton is squealing and bouncing.

We go inside to be tackled in hugs from Patton, with a few wolf whistles to be heard from others.

All was well.

Then things got even better when Logan came in and walked straight up to Patton. He grabbed Patton by his cardigan and returned Patton's previous favor. Patton had a small squeak, but got over the shock soon and kissed back. They released quite soon, given the scenery and that technically they're at work.
Don't ask me how he did it, but Thomas was working both the counter and drive through the whole time and was even faster than both Patton and Virgil working together.

All was great, now that Joan got what they wanted. That little match-maker...

A/N: I'm sorry if I didn't do the panic attack well

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