Swinging And Singing

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Virgil's POV

Finally, a day off. No annoying customers. No cleaning or busting tables. Just my music in my ears as I try to concentrate on my homework.

After two hours, I'm almost done. Another half hour and I should be finished.


Finally. Finished. Yeah, this homework isn't due until Friday, but it's Wednesday and I have work tomorrow. What can I say? I get worried if I don't have my work done.

It's about 2 pm, so I decide I should go outside and get some actual sunlight and fresh air.

I walk out and head for the park, listening to my music along the way. I reach the singular swing and sit down, humming along to the next playing song.

Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me I don't look the same

I quietly start to sing along

Maybe I've lost weight
I'm playing hookie with the best of the best
Put my heart on my chest
So that you can see it, too

There's no one around, I can sing at a normal level...

I'm walking the long road
Watching the sky fall
The lace in your dress tingles my neck
How do I live?

I'm now in performance mode, not caring who can hear me or who sees me. I get lost in the music and the beat.

The death of a batchelor, oh oh oh
Letting the water fall
The death of a batchelor
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after
Ooh, how could I ask for more?
A lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a batchelor

It goes like this for a while until the song finishes. No one came out to tell me to shut up and no one arrived at the park, so I would say this was a good time outside.

It's getting a bit dark, so I should head back home for dinner.
Roman's POV

After that whole thing with Virgil at his work, I chastise Logan and ask him if he wants to go to the park. He agrees, so we make our way to the park. No cars or bikes are parked, so I don't think anyone's here.

That is until I hear someone singing.

I don't want to disturb the performer, but I need to know who sounds like that...

I sneak behind a bush, (typical, I know. What else could I hide behind? The trees are skinny and the play set has bars so you could see the kids!) and Logan goes behind a trash can.

I take a peek at the singer, and to my surprise, he was dancing. He was really good, too. I couldn't see who it was, because he's not facing me, but his voice sounds familiar...

I listen and watch until he's done and see him look around for something. Maybe he's checking to make sure no one saw him... Whoops...

He faces Logan and me and I see his face.

My breath hitches.

Logan looks concerned.
I forgot he can't see from behind the can.

'It's Virgil' I mouth.

Logan gapes at the news.
Apparently he wasn't expecting that from Hot Topic, either.

Virgil walks away and once he's out of sight, I run to the swing.

I may be in shock at his magnificent voice, but I won't let Logan get the only good swing.

Logan grumbles and walks toward the swing for the disabled kids. He's skinny so he fits, he just doesn't like not being able to swing himself.

Logan plays on his phone while I think about Virgil's voice.

Dang, he can sing.
If you guys don't know what a disabled swing looks like, it's basically like a wheelchair seat (with the legs supported) and one of those plastic "straps" (solid) that looks like a Y

Woo! Another chapter! There's not going to be any cursing unless it really fits, because Thomas doesn't curse.

(Hello this is the author in 2021- I wrote this like 4 years ago, he didn't curse when I wrote this. I know about bitchmas and the blooper videos lmao things change)

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