New Ships And Just Dance

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Virgil's POV
I called my mom in the car and asked if I could stay overnight at Roman's house, to which she replied enthusiastically, "I'm just glad you have a friend that you don't work with."
Thanks, mom.

Anyways, right now Logan, Joan, Roman, and I are playing Just Dance. It's pretty fun- I'm winning. I honestly don't know how, I've never played before.

We get to a move where we have to switch sides with our partner, and I think Princey tripped me on purpose. Luckily he's not too mean and caught me before I fell.

"Better watch out there, Jack Smellington," he smirked.


"Shut up, Romano." I hit his arm, continuing to dance.
"Romano? The cheese?" Princey asked.
"Yeah, not my best one but I'm hungry, so..." I dragged out the 'o'.
"Virgil, if you're hungry you could have said something! Mother would kill me if she found out that someone was hungry in our household!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the game where the other two were still dancing and quite possibly smirking. They ship us, I know it.

Roman opens up a freezer with enough food for an army; pizza rolls, toquitos, hot pockets, waffles, pizza bagels, and actual frozen pizza.

"So, what would you like?" he gestures to the assortment of food.
"Well, I now know that you like pizza," I tease.
"Oh, whatever. It's good and you know it," he elbows me in the side.
"Can't argue with that logic." I reach and grab a cheese pizza.

We walk over to the oven and Roman looks at me.
"What is it, Romano?"
"Ugh, that horrid name! Whatever. But... You know they, uh, what's the word for it? Um... Ship? Us? They ship us? Is that right? They think we should be together."
"Yeah, I know they ship us. I personally think Logan and my coworker Patton would get along quite nicely," I confess.
"Oh, should we invite him to see how they get along?" Roman suggests.
"Not a bad idea... Let's put the pizza in the oven, then I'll call. It's warmed up by now."
I open the oven and Roman slides the pizza in. I set the timer and walk out to go call Patton.

After it rings a few times, I hear a voice answer, "Hey, kiddo! What's up?"
Gotta love that guy. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet some of my friends and possibly have a sleepover?"
"Uh, I don't know..." he sounded unsure.
"We have pizza!" I sang.
"I'll be there in five. Text me the address."
"Alright, see you, Pat."

I hang up and text Patton the address- after I ask Roman, of course. Who memorizes people's addresses with a single visit?

Sure enough, within five minutes, there's a knock at the door.

"Hey, Logan, can you get that? It's my friend Patton." I call out as I play on my phone.

Logan nods and stands up. There's a bit of talking, I'm assuming introductions, and then there's a new face in the group.

Patton waves at us all. "So, now I know Logan, Roman, and Virgil, but what's your name?" he asks to Joan.
"Joan. I'm assuming you're Patton?" they ask, although it sounds more like a statement.
"Yup! Nice to meet you, son!" Pat holds his hand out for a handshake.
"Actually, Pat, this one here just goes by 'kiddo'," I clarify patting their shoulder.
"My bad, kiddo. Anyways, what are we doing?" he asks us all.
Logan finally pipes up saying, "we were playing Just Dance. Would you like to play with us?"
"Sure! Who all is playing?"

While Patton looked at Roman, I grabbed Joan and shook my head 'no'.
"I'll play if Virgil plays," Roman reasoned, knowing that I'm gonna say no.
"Sorry, Pat. Joan?"
"Nah, I'm kinda tired. You two have fun, though."
And with that, the ship walks to the TV.

Joan turned to me and whispered, "Why'd you say I can't play? I kinda wanted to..."
"Possible ship. Just watch," were my only words.

Joan and I sat on the couch to watch them dance and Roman went to go get the pizza.

They danced pretty well- well, as good as anyone can when they haven't had any dance experience and are following a figure on a screen.

All was well, but things got better when Logan tripped and Patton caught him in a dip. They were both blushing when Roman barged in saying, "Pizza's read- oh..."
Patton dropped Logan in surprise, quickly helping him up again. They look at us, back to each other, then looked down, making their way to the kitchen.

The three of us laughed and Joan said, "no funny business, you two!"
That just made them blush harder.

We all get our pizza- two slices each, since their was only one pizza made for five people. Well, almost two each. Logan and I only got one because he wasn't very hungry and I don't eat as much as a normal teenager meal would consist of. Also, there were only 8 slices.

We sat down on the couch- Joan on the end, me next to them, Roman next to me, Logan next to Roman, and Patton next to Logan.
We eat while others take turns dancing- it was fun, except for Princey tripping me again. That time I fell on him... A few cheers were heard from Patton and Joan, with confused questions from Logan about why they're shouting.

I get off of him and grumble as I sit down and let Roman finish the dance alone.

"Aw, cheer up kiddo! We were just joking around. We can stop if you want, though." I don't say anything, I just pull the hood of my new purple and black jacket over my head and face.

I feel a figure sit next to me and wrap their arms around my waist. I peek out of my hood to see a Roman trying to comfort me. I don't argue, but I don't relax.

I eventually get up to get a glass of Coke.
I'm followed by Roman.

"Hey, Virge, do you really mind the jokes that much? They're harmless teases. We know they don't mean anything," Roman tries to comfort me, somehow making me feel worse.
"I don't know why I'm so upset at this, really, I'm fine. It's cool, let's just go back once I get my drink." I search for the bottle.
Roman cleared his throat. When I looked over he was holding a glass of Coke, offering it to me.
"Thank you, Roman."
"Let's head back, my chemically imbalanced romance."
"Don't let the others hear you," I warn, jokingly.

The others' POV
We heard.

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