chapter 5: there's a party in my pants

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(dedicated to sailingislife for her awesome mean girls quote

so I picked the cast, and changed Clayton's eyes from hazel to blue. I will fix any descriptions of him some time.

Amia- selena gomez- she looks sweet and innocent, but she can also look really fierce.

Clayton-Liam Hemsworth- the Gale version, because TEAM GALE FOR LIFE

Neil and Craig- the Harries twins

Daniel- Joseph Gordon-Levitt- him and selena are meant to take after their mother.

Laken-I was gonna say liam payne but that triggers chest pains so no. But it is Paul Wesley.

Paisley-Ashley Olsen

Jasper-Mitchel Musso

Tell me what you think of it please.)

        As Clayton pulls up to the party, I can already see the red cups on the lawn. I can hear Kanye West songs playing and I can already picture my classmates bumping and grinding on each other. Not a pretty thought.

And my thoughts are confirmed when I see it for myself while entering Liam's house. I can actually smell the weed and booze drifting around the large house. Clayton gets greeted enthusiastically by some friends while I stand and smile, feeling like the first lady. As Liam approaches us, Clayton lazily places his arm around my waist. Liam's eyes gravitate to the arm and a cheeky smile emerges on his lips.

"Clayton, Mia" He gives us a polite nod,"You guys seem.. comfortable." He says and winks.

I open my mouth to speak, but Clayton pecks my cheek. My whole body tenses and I give a tight smile.

"Yeah, we are exclusive." Clayton says proudly. The pride in his voice makes me wonder what his agenda is. I was right about being skeptical. He just seemed to give in too quickly.

"Huh, never thought I'd see the day." Liam says. Then he puts a hand over the side of his mouth, facing me as if he is telling me something he doesn't want Clayton to hear. "You're too good for him." He says. Clayton just chuckles and punches him playfully.

"Well, gotta go. Bye Clayton. Bye Mrs Clayton." He says and winks. As he fades into the crowd on the make-shift dance floor, I look around. I notice girls staring at me as if I stole their imaginary boyfriend. Oh wait, I did.

I smile at the thought and look at Clayton. He returns my gaze and smiles back. Like, genuinely.

"People are staring at us." He states. So he does notice the attention he gets.

"You like it." I tease. He smiles again. Someone took their happy pills. 

"I think I need a drink." He changes the subject. He moves his arm and grabs my hand again. His huge hand practically engulfs mine as he drags me along.

When we get to the kitchen, I notice people sloppily making out and wince. Clayton just laughs at my discomfort. The prince of darkness is back.

He hands me a drink and takes one himself. I take a sip and taste bubblegum. 

He then decides to drag me around and show me off. I go from First Lady to Trophy Wife as the night wears on.

But I got a good chuckle at people's shocked faces. The bubblegum drink, or drinks, go straight to my head and I find myself dancing, which is fucking rare. I can't dance, so my drunk dancing must be like white-girl-at -the-club bad.

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