Runners ~ Chapter Two: Pawns

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You trust me?


"Checkmate," Dawson says smugly moving his tower three spots forward and blocking Kirat's king.

"What? How!" Kirat questions in disbelief, staring at the board to see if there was any way to get out of checkmate. He sighs in defeat and leans against the seat when no luck comes too.

"Tasha, you want to play?" Dawson asks resetting the board.

The Steriolian girl snorts, "I just saw you beat Kirat into the ground three games in a row, I'll pass. By the way, how'd you get so good?"

Dawson shrugs, "the Earl wanted Devin to be a master at chess because it was a sign of intelligence and strategy. Devin taught me and I guess I just got good at it. Takoda do you want to try?"

Takoda looks up from the desk, "not right now, I'm writing a letter to Xanthe."

"Oh, yeah, that's your girlfriend, right?" Dawson tries to clarify.

"I mean, she's not just my girlfriend. She got promoted after the fight with the Wyrm and is in charge of the underground army and war formations," Takoda explains.

Unfortunately Xanthe couldn't come up, the sun caused blistering burns to cover her pale skin that grew accustomed to the dark caves. Her and Takoda settled with writing letters and meeting up occasionally at a cave near Greenhaven.

"So, no one wants to play?" Dawson pouts.

"Guess not, hey Keith!" Tasha greets waving her hand to get the attention of the older Greencloak.

Keith weaves around the many table and chairs and gives Tasha a weary look, "yeah?"

"Since Olvan's gone, does that make you acting Commander?"

"What, no," Keith scoffs, "and Command of what? All Greencloaks are here, Olvan cancelled all missions until we figure out what the Oathbound want. He'll be back in a few days anyhow."

Someone else calls Keith's name and he waves goodbye before joining some Greencloaks of his own age. Olvan and Lenori left about three days ago, and they were told that they would return in two weeks, top.

Dawson picks up the black king and studies the detail that was whittled onto such a small piece. He never understood why such an important person of power was created to be the weakest of the board. His father used  to compare life to a chess board, everyone had a job and rank, and those of weakness were the pawns, sacrificed in cold blood to win.

Dawson was always afraid that he was a pawn. He snaps out of his thoughts when Tasha starts speaking again.

"Where's Niri?" She asks referring to the Oceania girl.

"She went with Cordalles back to Oceania to join the Greencloaks there," Kirat explains, "the great octopus doesn't belong on land."

Rumfuss snorts loudly, an attempt to get Dawson's attention, "yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you," Dawson confirms packing up the chess set, "Rumfuss wants to go to bed, see you guys later."
Dawson stands up and stretches, waving as he walks out of the room. Rumfuss' hot breath was close to Dawson's palm, "why are you so clingy today? I mean more clingy than usual," Dawson questions the Great Beast who was glued to his side the whole day. Rumfuss grunts in response, waiting patiently for Dawson to open the door and trotting inside.

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