Runners~ Chapter 7: The Truth

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You guys probably have figured out that I haven't been the most truthful.


Dawson made sure to avoid Kirat after the big blow-up. It wasn't that he hated him, he need to get away. At home, the one thing he was constantly reminded about was that he was second. Second to everything when it came to Devin, and sometime with his sister. Second to be the leader, second to win races (and sometimes last when his sister used to play), and second to be acknowledged at anytime. Being the youngest had it's many disadvantages and when Kirat mentioned him being the second son, all of the bad stuff came rushing back. He didn't mean to send the log flying, it was almost instinct to launch it out. Whatever was influencing everyone seemed to have effect Dawson the most, because he was positive he would never have been able to do that normally, even with Rumfuss's help.

Dawson shudders, remembering his father and his anger issues, something that Devin even had. If the other two males in the family had anger issues, would Dawson, too? The last thing he wanted was to be like his father.

The group stops and Dawson accidently bumps into Rowan, so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't see the elder Greencloak. Rowan looks back with one brow raised, before turning to Jack, "it's safe right?"

The pale girl turns to the tanner one, "are you serious? Yes. Why else would we be here?"

Rowan looks at Thunder who just shrugs in response.

"And you're sure it's safe?" Rowan repeats, eyes boring into Jack's.

"Oh my Tellun!" Jack interrupts, eyes wide, "it's a FUCKING Redcloak boat! Of course it's safe!"

"Language!" Lycaon hisses at Jack, Dawson almost wincing at the sudden swear and yelling. After thinking about his father, the sudden outburst was much to familiar.

"Common!" Jack snaps back. A long line of Euran curses follow, Dawson's eyes widing, looking away to hide the heat building up in his face. She stalks through the trees, branches flying as she hits them with full force.

Kirat suddenly pipes up, "can we get a point in-"

"You get a point in when I finish what the Commander wants, which is get you guys to safety," Rowan snaps. Dawson has to avoid running and hiding, his legs already tensed up, waiting for someone to hit someone else. When the are able to relax, Dawson can sneak away until he calms down.

"You make it sound like you're not staying with us," Dawson says, hoping that talking will losen up the lump in his throat.

"I-," Rowan hesitates, not knowing what to say, "I have things to do, which I'm not dragging anyone else into," she states slowly, a glare aimed at Thunder who tilts his head at her.

"The boat is run by Jaw, and if it helps, there is a Greencloak that we picked up on board. A boat capsized when it was attacked by the Oathbound, but Leilani survived and is helping us. It's the Aihue crew," Thunder continues explain, "I swear it's safe."

"The Aihue crew is a fighter and thief crew," Rowan hisses, "why would I trust them to not kill the Greencloaks?"

"Because Thunder's there. If he wanted to he could totally capsize the boat," Lycaon interrupts, "now can we please go?"

Rowan purses her lips, "fine. Go. The sooner we get to Redcloak base, the sooner I can leave."

"You can stop hinting that you want to leave, we all know," Jack yells through the trees, "now move, I can't wait to introduce the Greencloaks to these fabulous sailors."

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