Warriors ~Chapter Five: Walls

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A/N there's a YouTube video song that should be listened to while reading so the Lenori aesthetic is on the page instead

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A/N there's a YouTube video song that should be listened to while reading so the Lenori aesthetic is on the page instead.

You're the only person I trust to lead Greenhaven at the moment.


The one thing that Lenori hated most in the world was sleeping. Alex used to joke that she would've been better off bonding to an owl than an Ibis. Sleeping stole exactly 8 hours of her time, time that could be used doing something of importance. At this point in her life, Lenori could go by with two hours of sleep a day and still be completely normal.

And some Greencloaks had nocturnal spirit animals who deserve treats just as much as the day crawlers. Thus, when the moon was at it's highest and lighting up Lenori's room (she specifically asked to get put in the moon tower so that it wakes her up) she ventured out with special treats in pockets to give the night animals some extra love. Instead of greeting the owls, bats, and badgers to name a few, she spied a cloaked figure hiding in the shadows, sneaking around Greenhaven.

This, of course, sparked her interest, what Greencloaks needs to hide? And why? Being careful to not make too much noise, Lenori follows the cloaked figure, finally ducking into a hallway that leads into the forest. Lenori peeks around the corner briefly to spot Olvan looking back before exiting Greenhaven. Lenori steps out from behind the wall, head tilting in question.

Why would the future commander be running off? Unless he gave up his role, as he threatened to in the library. If he truly gave up... Lenori shudders. She knows who's trying to claw their way to the top, and she would much rather follow Olvan, even if he got on her nerves sometimes. Lenori eases the door open, Olvan spinning around just as quickly, shoulders tense and eyes wide.

It remind Lenori of the deers Alex would take her to see, seconds before an arrow shot by her killed the beast.

"Hey," Lenori greets, making sure to keep her voice low, treating this situation as if Olvan was a startled animal. After all, she connected with animals better than humans, "what are you doing up?"

"What are you doing up?" Olvan echoes back, as stubborn as ever, "and why are you following me?"

"I asked first," Lenori scoffs, crossing her arms defensively. Once again, better with animals than humans.

Olvan rolls his eyes, "I need to clear my head, okay? Why are you out?"

Lenori shrugs, "I usually don't sleep. Myriam probably means well, but the visions she gives me are usually- not happy."

"What do you mean?" Olvan questions.

Lenori just shakes her head and rubs her arms, "don't want to talk about," she mumbles. Myriam gave Lenori the ability to see visions, the future you could say. And in her most recent, heart racing ones, it shows betrayal amongst the Greencloak ranks. Just thinking about it made her chest tighten.

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