Runners ~Chapter Three: secret doorways

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Fighting is not with just fists, it's with well placed pawns.


Takoda did not trust this 'Rowan' girl. He has seen many people going through the temple and learned from it. Just by looking at someone's eyes, he can see their past.

And Rowan had a dark one.

Her greencloak was ripped and tattered, not in the veteran way (she couldn't be older than 17), but in a way that the Greencloaks decided to give her an old one from the basement.

And the line, 'You trust me?' is usually said by someone who has very few reasons to be trusted.

This girl is dangerous and Takoda would have to keep his guard up around her.

Rowan gives Keith a look of confusion, "Why me?"

Keith pulls her closer and whispers something in her ear, to quiet for Takoda to hear. Rowan pulls away and gives him a reluctant look, "I don't know if they like me that much."

"Make it work," Keith orders releasing her arm and opening the door to leave the room. The flow of Greencloaks has stopped, the majority of Greencloaks either in the courtyard fighting or on the watch towers, "once this is over I'll contact you guys. Until then, find the other summoners and hide, NO arguing," Keith ends when the four kids start to protest.

"Do I make myself clear?" Keith demands looking everyone in the eye.

"Yes Commander," Rowan replies. Takoda didn't detect any forms of sarcasm in her voice. Keith hesitates, Rowan calling him Commander throwing him off, before he leaves to join back into the fight.

"We have to help," Kirat argues looking out the window.

"We talked about this, no. Fighting is not with just fists, it's with well placed pawns," Rowan states using a chess board as an example, "you don't sacrifice every piece, some wait. And we wait. Now let's move, the Greencloaks can't hold them off forever."

Rowan leaves, not seeming to care if the group comes or not. The four kids share a look, debating on what to do.

"She scares me, I'm listening," Dawson finally admits following the brown-haired girl. Takoda sighs and follows.

He wasn't listening to Dawson or Rowan.

He was listening to the Commander. Kirat and Tasha follow, Kirat grumbling a bit more than the others. Rowan leads them down many stone corridors, candles flickering as they past. No Greencloak came across their path and Takoda assumed they were all fighting. But why was Rowan leading them up? Shouldn't they be escaping?

Rowan holds a hand out, "stay here, I need to grab some stuff from my room."

"Your room-" Dawson starts, but she was already up the winding steps, "-is in the attic?"

"She's weird," Kirat observes, "why would Olvan put her in the attic? All rooms are on the first and second level."

"Why would we know?" Tasha answers arms crossed. The group goes back into silence.

Some type of team, Takoda thinks to himself. Keith expects them to find all the summoners yet they couldn't hold a conversation within themselves. Kirat looks out the window, well what was meant to be a window.

It was just a square hole in the wall, with rusted bars spaced out between it. Takoda looks at the doorway Rowan went through and sees that the hinges are made of the same rusty metal, this place seemed to be vacant except for the lone girl. Why would she be isolated?

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