Chapter 1 || The boy who dreamed

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"Once upon a time there was and boy living in the fields alone..." the boy reads as he flips the pages over. "He worked trying to survive..."
"One day he would sit under a tree with no food or money on him....he was all alone." He flips the page again.
"Then when he would sit under a tree an old man would come up to him saying 'what are you doing here all alone..? Where's your friends?'. The boy would look down saying 'I don't have any..I'm all alone..' . The man would then stretch out his hand ' why not come with me then?' He'd say with a sweet voice. The boy would slightly start to smile looking up at him. 'Y-yes!' The boy would say with a happy tone." He reads flipping the page over once more.
"The boy and the man would then go traveling the world meeting witches, elves, dragons, wizards!" He says flipping the page over for the last time.
" The boy was happy, for the first time in his life he got to experience love, friendship...and...magic!" He says closing the book.
He smiles as he turn the books cover towards him self looking at it. Looking at it, studying the picture.
"Maybe..maybe" he says to him self. "Maybe I can meet them, an- and learn magic!" He say exited.

He then jumps off the chair down on the wooden floor dancing as he sing his little melody.
"I'm gonna learn magic, magic, magic~!"
As he dances all over the room he accidentally trip, falling down on the floor laying down on his back, looking up into the ceiling.
As he looks up into the ceiling he starts fantasising about the adventure he'd have, and then then smile.


Waking up laying down in his bed, he yawns to then slightly raise his head looking around. After a while of laying down in the bead he decides to make his way out of bed, heading for the door. As he walks down the stair he stops in his tracks when he sees his mother standing at the end of the stairs. "It was about time!" She says to him in a sweet voice. "Were you planning on sleeping all day or what?"
"No mom..." he says yawning afterwards.
A sigh slips her mouth as she says. "Well breakfast is ready"
Then he continue walking down the stairs heading for the kitchen. As he enters the kitchen he see his father sitting by the table reading a Newspaper. With his weather hearing the footsteps closing in, he looks up seeing Eren standing by the doorstep.
"Good morning Eren." The father says.
"Mornin'" Eren replies walking towards the table, sitting down.
As he look down at the table he sees a plate with eggs as well as some bread on it being placed down in front of him. His eyes would widen and look up at his mother who stand right next to him.
"It's your favourite right" she says in a sweet voice smiling at him. Eren gasps at the sight, looking at the food. He reaches for the fork, placed on his left side and then starts to eat.
It isn't anything that fancy, but that doesn't mean it isn't tasty. We live on the outskirts with the nearest town a ways away. So if you want to eat you ether have to grow it yourself, or take your time getting to town.
She smiles at him bending down a bit looking at him with her hands at her hips.
"What do you say?"
"Thanks for the food!" He answer her still stuffing his mouth with food. She sighs thinking, of course.... when food is on the line he doesn't care about anyone in the world.
Having eaten breakfast he gets up from his chair head for the door. Half way there he would hear his mother calling him. "Don't forget to go out and get some firewood ok?"
"Yeah I will! See ya!" He'd say taking his dark brown leather jacket and bag, heading outside closing the door behind him.

Well outside he starts to run down the path into the forest entering it. Inside the forest he goes of the path heading into the deep forest. Not going to far away so that he can still see path. Running through the forest he sees a glimpse of light making its way through the leaves and trees. Entering a rounded area without any trees. Well except one. One with a treehouse built on top of it. Smiling at the sight of it takes a step over the bushes, walking towards it. Reaching the ladder he grabs on to it and slowly makes his way upwards. There's pictures on the walls, toys spread out on the floor and a box which have been painted with various colours. 
I've never told anyone about this place. Not even mom or dad. I found this place once when I was out plying with my friends from town. We got got separated from each other, and I ended up here. Standing in front of the eastern wall he crouches down taking his bag of his back. Opening it he moves a few things to the side to find picture hidden at the bottom. "There it is" he mumbles to himself as he takes it out, closing his bag again. Getting up on his feet he'd take one of the needles he have been saving up from a box, using it to put the picture on to the wall. It's a picture of him, his parents and an additional person. His grandpa. Ever since I've always tried to find a change to come here. Bringing pictures toys, anything. Making it my own.
Spectating the picture he gives away a smile "Right!" He says while nodding. "Now the firewood" crouching down next to the colourful box he opens the cap in hope that there still would be some left. Though to his surprise....
"It's empty.." he says discouraged.

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