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So I've been thinking a lot about my current stories that I, for one, haven't been updating for quite som time now. Well there is a reason for that. Quite simple. It's just that I can't write them.

It's not like I can't continue the stories! Or kinda it is...

My style of writing have changed a lot during my time writing on Wattpad making it hard for me to give you the best experience possible. So I've decided to rewrite my stories including; The kingdom of the races: Forming land, The mystery of the devil and The lost tail.

So starting with this one I'll be rewriting everything starting from the second one, cause I've already fixed the first, and nearly done with the second.

Be ready with me jumping from stories time to time when I'm done editing here.

Have a great day or night
'Till next chao!

The kingdom of the races: Forming Land {Book one}Where stories live. Discover now