2. Second First Day

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"Gerard honey, wake up. You gotta get ready for work." Lindsey's soothing voice murmurs, breaking me from my slumber. "Five more minutes." I groan, she chuckles, "If I come back in here and you aren't up, I'm gonna send Pete in." Lindsey threatens, I sigh and sit up, my bones popping as I yawn. "Nice boxers by the way." Lindsey says with a slight smirk, I look down.

"Thanks, I happen to like Iron Man." I mumble crawling out of the bed and over to my dresser, "Shoo so I can go take a shower." I yawn grabbing a clean pair of boxers and my red trunks.

"Oh and Frank said he has a surprise for you when you get to the pool." Lindsey shouts from the living area, I smile.

I set the water to my comfort zone and climb in, scrubbing the filth off of my body and out of my hair.

"Hmm, maybe I should dye it." I wonder aloud, "Hurry up Gerard!" Lindsey yells, I groan and quickly run soap through my hair and onto my body.

"I wonder what Frank's surprise is." I think to myself as I rinse off and step out of the tub.

"Come on Gerard, I'm getting kinda bored!" Lindsey whines from the other side of the door, I yawn again as I slip my boxers and swimming trunks on.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I mumble opening the door. "Where's your shirt?" Lindsey asks, I look down at my bare chest and shrug.

"Hey, it's gonna be off later anyways." I say grabbing the cup of coffee Lindsey was holding, "Yeah, sure take your bosses coffee." She mumbles.

I chuckle against the cup and take a few swallows, shivering as the warm liquid glides down my throat. "Let's go, Frank seemed pretty excited about this surprise of yours." Lindsey reminds me, I smile and hand her, her cup of coffee and exit my room, locking the door behind us.

"Hey, Patrick, have you seen Frank? He told me he had a surprise for me?" I ask Patrick as I walk up to my chair.

"I think I saw him by the snack bar earlier." Patrick says pointing over to the snack bar, I nod. "Than-" Before I could finish I was pushed into the pool.

Once I surface I look around, "Alright, who the hell did!" I yell swimming over to the edge and lifting myself up and out of the freezing cold water.

"He did it!" Patrick cries before running off giggling, I look over, Frank doubling over in laughter.

"Frank, you little fucker!" I whine standing up, "Surprise!" Frank giggles, I huff.

I hum slightly and walk behind him, since his eyes were shut, I quickly push him into the pool. "Hey, you ass hole!" Frank exclaims, I laugh and perch myself on my chair.

"You did it first." I mumble looking around, keeping an eye on the few kids that were already in the pool, "Damn, these kids get up early." Frank mutters leaning against my chair.

"Yes, yes they do." I agree with a nod, Frank smiles, "I love you." "I love you too." I say with small smile, hardly visible, but a smile all the same.

"Let's go Frank!" Lindsey yells from the other side of the pool.

Frank sighs and pecks my cheek, "Later babe." "Bye Frankie."


I sigh in relief as I get out of the shower, feeling great that no one almost drowned today. Except for the little shits that pretended to be drowning just to shove me underwater.

"You okay hun?" Lindsey asks, I nod.

"Just tired of all the kids, already." I mumble plopping next to Frank, he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You guys wanna go hang out at the garden?" Frank asks, I nod and stand back up, grabbing his small hand as I do so.

"Cherry! Lily!" Frank squeals as he greets the two dogs, they bark and knock him over, slobbering all over his face. I scrunch my nose up and kneel down to pet them.

"They missed you guys, a lot." Lindsey laughs, I smile and hum happily, "Well, I'm glad, because I missed them too." I reply standing back up to sit on the swing, Frank sitting next to me. "Have you guys noticed, this is like our little hang out place?" Pete asks with a light smile, "Yeah, I like it." Bob says.

"I really missed this place, I'm so glad Jamia got transported. Fucking Satan's daughter man." Frank mumbles sheepishly, we all laugh. "And now we have a new member, towel boy Michael Way." Patrick teases, Mikey sighs, "Fuck you, you're just jealous." Mikey retorts with a chuckle, Patrick just laughs, "You caught me red handed, oh well."

 "God, today's been such a long day." I sigh, nuzzling my face into Frank's neck.

"You said it." Mikey murmurs, I sigh. "Kids suck." Everyone laughs, "I dunno, I really like kids." Lindsey says, "I don't, they're little demons sometimes, I swear." Bob mumbles, "Hey, at least the little shits don't pretend to drown, just so they can shove you under water. Water that feels like icy hell." I sigh.

"What color should I dye my hair?" I ask sitting up straight, "I think you should do red." Frank says, "I say black." Pete says, "Yeah black." Patrick and Bob say, "White." Lindsey recommends, I laugh. "Blonde." Mikey says, I raise an eyebrow at him, "Definitely not." He pouts.

"How about this, I think of a number from one to let's say one hundred. You guys guess, Lindsey first." I say, "Nine." She says, I nod, "Patrick?" "Eighty five." Patrick says with a proud smile, I chuckle and divert my gaze to Bob, "Sixty nine!" We all chuckle at his childish outburst.

"Mikey?" I ask, "Ten." "I say, eighty one." Pete says, I smile at Frank, "Your turn." I say, "Eight teen."

"My number was twenty, Frank won. Now, who's gonna walk with me to go get the hair dye?" I ask, Frank grins and squeals, "I'm definitely going." The others sigh, "I'll go too." Lindsey smiles, I grin. "Okay, well, let's go."


"It looks amazing!" I yelp, gawking at my reflection in the mirror, Frank giggles, Lindsey sighs, "You're gonna have to wear something over your hair Gerard, you can't get chlorine mixed with the dye until like a week."

"Aw, man, seriously?" I groan, Frank runs a hand through my freshly dyed red hair, "Yeah." "Dang, I wish I would have found this out before." I sigh, Frank chuckles, Lindsey snickers. "You're fault." I glare at her, "Oh shut up." I mumble, she giggles and walks out.

"Come on, I guess we should go show the others now." I mumble, Frank smiles and pecks my cheek, "It looks great babe." His comment causes a smile to break out on my face, "Thank you." I giggle, he smiles.

"Aw man, it looks good." Patrick sighs, "Pay up Stump." Pete snickers, Patrick sighs and hands a five dollar bill, I furrow my eye brows together. "Hey!" I whine, they chuckle. "No, really man, it looks really good." Patrick compliments, Bob tugs at a piece of it, "I like it." Mikey smiles, I grin. "Thanks guys."

A/N Yay Gerard has red hair now:DDDD Thanks for all the amazing comments guys! I really do hope you guys like what I have in mind for the story!

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