Chapter 2: The Catacombic Revenge

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As we walk into this place, it resembles the inside of a house. Then, the scenery changes into what I can only presume to be catacombs...pretty creepy. I continue to stay a few feet behind them so they don't notice me or see me following them and I end up listening to their conversation. 'Wait a second...I am supposed to get revenge of Fortunato, not him!' I thought angrily, wanting to kill them both. They finally come to a stop, and I again hide in the shadows more so, I was more cloaked in the darkness.

I recognize the little cell-like place as a crypt, then the realization of the situation hit me. 'That mysterious guy is going to bury Fortunato alive...where no one can find him, pretty clever...but there is an odd familiarity about that guy...' I think to myself. I watch as Fortunato gets chained up and the last brick goes in but Fortunato's voice is no more, and I can tell that the mysterious stranger is satisfied. I started walking back to the carnival but ended up tripping over nothing and I quickly get back up and make a run for it.

I didn't know if he was behind me, but I ran as I fast as my legs would go. Once I make it outside, I run to (B/FF), quickly explaining the situation between pants and letting her know I am going home. She replied by saying,"Want me to walk with you to your house?" I could tell she was a bit worried and in disbelief by what I said and I replied back to her saying, "No, it's okay, I think I can handle it from here." Before she could protest or say anything, I started jogging/speed walking home because I didn't want her to come with me and get hurt or something.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Timeskip to house brought to you by, Montresor's revenge:p-_-_-_-

Finally, I get home and head to the shower, I start to wonder who that other guy was, he seemed vaguely familiar. I strip down and as I get naked, I turn the water on to warm up, the water is finally warm now. I step into the shower and as the warm water hits me, my tight, tense, and sore muscles begin to relax. Until I heard something break in my house and jump a bit causing me to slip in the shower but I quickly stand back up. I swiftly get out of the shower and turn it off while putting my pajamas on. I hid in the darkness becoming like a shadow and blending in with my surroundings.

I search my whole house then, at the entrance of my of my house near the window, I see (B/FF) and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "(B/FF)! What happened to knocking, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said in a frustrated/annoyed voice but soon after I realized she broke the window to get in and there would be glass everywhere. I sighed and looked at her for an explanation and she replied to me saying,"Your door was locked, and you went home in such a hurry, I was really worried sorry..." She said in an apologetic voice, as I scanned her eyes I could see the apologeticness in her eyes. "It's okay...but it's getting really late so why don't you just sleepover like old times," I suggested to her and she smiled widely as did I and she nodded her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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