Kakashi's Death

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Ok I cried when I wrote this. So go ahead and hate me because I'm kicking myself right now. Just know that it does get better later on. Again I did cry.


June 17

Mission: Destroy Kannabi Bridge

Three teens made their way through the forest to their destination: Kannabi Bridge. Their mission was to destroy the bridge and there by, in theory, end the Third Great Shinobi War.

At the head of the group was a 14-year-old boy with silver hair. A mask hide the lower half of his face and his hair bent naturally to the left, defying gravity. The boy, Kakashi Hatake, lead the group through the woods with a passive expression but kept his guard up.

Behind Kakashi walked a raven haired boy with orange goggles on his head. Obito Uchiha kept a close watch on their surroundings but made it a little more obvious than his calmer team mates.

Following silently behind the two boys was the only female member of their team, Rin Nohara. Rin's long brown hair framed her face and the purple makings on her cheeks announced her as a member of the Nohara clan.

As the group made their way over a small river they failed to notice a ninja and his partner sneaking up on Rin. As the ninja came closer he grabbed Rin and ran. The ninja's partner stalled Kakashi and Obito before following his partner.

As soon as the last ninja left Obito started to go after Rin but was stopped when Kakashi called, "Wait!"

"We can't wait Kakashi! We have to save Rin!" The young Uchiha told him. He hoped that Kakashi would listen despite what his sensei told him about Kakashi's father.

"We have to complete the mission. We can come back for her later." Kakashi told him. After his father's suicide he'd stuck to the rules and regulations. He wanted to save Rin but knew it was their duty to go on with the mission.

Obito turned to Kakashi with disbelief written all over his face. "Rin's our friend! We can't just leave her with the enemy! Kakashi-"

"We have to go on with the mission Obito. I'm in charge and I say we complete the mission first." Kakashi interrupted and turned to continue walking.

"It's true what they say... Those who break the rules are trash. But, Kakashi, those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash! If I'm going to be trash either way, I'm going to break the rules! If that makes me any less than a real shinobi, then I'll just crush the so-called "real" shinobi!" Obito called before jumping off in pursuit of Rin.

Kakashi stood for only a moment before making up his mind to follow Obito. After a couple of minutes Kakashi caught up with him and Obito smiled knowing he got threw to Kakashi.

After running for sometime the two ninja found a cave and sensed Rin's chakra coming from inside. Before they could make a plan Kakashi's right eye was injured.

"Kakashi! Are you okay?" Obito ask crouching down next to his team mate.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Look out! Behind you!" Kakashi warned Obito about the invisible attacker sneaking up. Obito suddenly turned, with a kunai outstretched, and hit the attacker before Kakashi finished.

"But... How?" There attacker asked and then noticed the sharingan in Obito's eyes. Obito had unlocked the sharingan in time to save himself and his friend.

Bandaging Kakashi's eye, the boys made their way into the cave. When they reached an opening in the cave they saw Rin tied up and a man with his hands in the ram sign.

"Rin's chakra's distorted. She must be in a genjustu." Obito observed as Kakashi grabbed his father's sword off his back and got ready to attack.

"Damn that idiot. Can't even kill two runts." The man said dropping the hand sign but not the justu.

Obito took off towards the man and started attacking. While Obito distracted the enemy Kakashi looked for an opening to take him down. When an opening made itself clear Kakashi charged forward and slashed his sword along the enemy's chest and stomach.

Assuming he was out cold the boys ran over to their team mate. Obito cut the bonds around Rin's wrist and ankles while his friend released Rin from the genjustu.

"Obito! Kakashi!" Rin whispered when she saw her friends. Suddenly the cave started to shake and rocks started to fall. Obito and Kakashi grabbed Rin and started running towards the exit.

Just as Kakashi and Obito were about to make it a rock hit Obito in that head and he collapsed to the ground. With a large boulder about to crush the two of them Kakashi grabbed Obito and threw him towards safety before jumping after him.

When the dust settled Kakashi's right side was buried under the boulder. Rin, being the closest, saw before Obito did and moved to his side.

"Kakashi!" Rin screamed and started crying into his chest. Obito heard Rin's scream and looked over to see Kakashi half-buried and Rin sobbing into the un-buried part of his chest. He just stared as his own tears spilled over the edge of his eyes.

"Obito... Rin..." A weak voice croaked from under Rin. The young brunette's head shot up at the voice. "You guys alright?"

"Yes Kakashi we're both safe." Obito managed to say moving closer. He looked at the rock and then his friend. 'I've got to try and move the boulder!' Obito thought as he stuck his hand on the large rock.

Turning to face the rock he put his other hand on the rock and pushed with all his might to move the rock. He managed to move it slightly and Rin took this opportunity to slide some rock under the larger one before Obito dropped it on Kakashi. During all this Kakashi was holding back his groans of pain but his face was one that showed pain.

"I can't move it!" Obito cried in frustration.

"Obito... It won't do any good... Half my body's crushed..." Kakashi told him. He didn't want to admit it but he knew he wasn't going to make it home alive.

"Kakashi..." Rin trailed off as tears threatens her eyes again. Her friend was going to die and she couldn't save him.

"You have to... get out of here before... the rest of the cave crumbles down..." The silver haired boy croaked out.

"I never gave you your jounin gift." Obito told him.

Kakashi thought about it and knew his friend was wrong, "You already... gave it to me... Obito..."


"When you... Taught me that... No matter what... Friends don't... Abandon friends... You had given... Me my gift... Obito..." When Kakashi said this Obito's eyes widened and he understood what Kakashi was saying. He'd helped Kakashi come to the decision to help save Rin.

"Kakashi..." Whispered the young Uchiha, tears threatening his eyes once again.

"Hurry... Before the... Cave collapses..." Kakashi said, "And Obito... Protect Rin... Rin don't let... Obito do something... Stupid. Now go." Kakashi barely managed.

"Kakashi..." Whispered Rin as she leaned down and kissed Kakashi's forehead, "I won't forget you."

"Good-bye Kakashi." Obito said solemnly before grabbing Rin's arm and jumping from the cave. Just as the reached the top of the cave, the ground started shaking again and the hole with Kakashi caved-in on itself.

As rocks came falling down upon him, Kakashi looked up towards the sky and smiled. 'Good-bye everyone. The only thing there is for me to regret is that I should have spent more time with my friends. Stay safe everyone.'

"Kakashi!" Rin screamed as the boulder came crashing down onto Kakashi, burying him alive.

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