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Squad 7 waited patiently for their late sensei. He was half an hour late and it drove his potential students crazy.

"He's late! Where could he possibly be?!" A short ravenette yelled.

"Obito! Quiet down. Sensei's probably with Lord Hokage." The only female reasoned.

A silverette stood patiently against the wall, observing his new team mates with calculating eyes. His first impression was that his team was stupid and below him. As he studied the two it became more aware that each of them had potential.

The ravenette, Obito Uchiha, had yet to unlock the sharingan. He was loud and obnoxious. On top of that he seemed to have no experience in anything outside ninja skills.

The single female, Rin Nohara, had obvious training in medical ninjutsu. It also became aware that she was the calmer of the two.

After another half hour the to the classroom slide open to reveal a tall blond man with azure colored eyes. He was dressed in standard Jounin attire; blue long sleeve, light-weight blue pants, blue ninja shoes and the standard vest. A blue hitai-ate rested on his forehead.

"Sorry guys," Chuckled the Jounin while he smiled nervously and rubbed the back of he neck ", Lord Hokage needed me on a quick mission that ran a little late."

His students gave understanding nods. Many missions were taking slightly longer with the raising chaos between villages.

Moving towards a first row desk, the azure eyed man leaned against the desk while his students followed. The emotionless Chunin moved closer to the desk but remained by the wall while his team mates sat on the floor.

"Well, why don't we introduce ourselves? I'm Minato Namikaze." Announced the blond man. The two Genin gawked up at the renowned ninja. "Alright now you." Minato pointed to Rin with a small smile.

"I'm Rin Nohara." Rin smiled at her sensei politely.

"I'm Obito Uchiha." Obito gave a cheeky grin towards his sensei.

Everyone looked towards the quiet Chunin by the wall expectantly.

The silver haired nin huffed before, "Kakashi Hatake."


Hey! I'm alive! Sorry for taking so long hopefully I can get more down in Wattpad as school ends but until then, who the hell knows?

Beside the fact that I went MIA for like 5 1/2 months, how have you guys been? If you have big tests good luck!

P.S. For all of you who have never take a NYS Common Core math test, you might as well be taking the English reagents as well.

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