Long Time Gone

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Silence filled the room. Obito and Rin quietly stood before their supposedly dead team mate. He looked just as he had before the mission. No injury was left to his right eye, save for a a scar running from his eyebrow to his cheek bone. The right side of his body showed no signs of ever being crushed. In all the only thing visible from that mission was a scar left from the attack the day before he died and the scar on his eye.

'Lord Hokage had Tsume and Hiashi double and triple check whether it's him... Both proved it is him... What happened to you, Kakashi?' Obito thought as he clenched his fist in frustration. Staring at his team mate he wondered what was happening.

Rin sat in the chair near Kakashi's bed holding her small baby bump. She'd been in a shock like state since the meeting. Rin just couldn't process what was happening.

When the Hokage announced that the boy was Kakashi, Rin had almost clasped. Luckily Obito caught her before she could hit the ground. The loud Jounin had remained quiet until Obito and Rin left to see Kakashi for themselves.

In the room, all remained silent. The slow dripping of the IV tube and rhythmic beep of the heart monitor was enough to make Obito think he was going insane. As the silence dragged on Obito was glad to hear the door open and see Asuma and Kurenai Yuhi enter the room.

"How're you holding up?" Asuma asked the ravenette.

"I'm fine. It's Rin I'm not sure about." Obito answered looking at his wife worriedly. Kurenai walked over to Rin and got her to follow her to the door.

"I'll take her home, Obito." Kurenai told him before closing the door softly.

After a couple of hours Asuma had left Obito to be with his friend. Obito sat in the chair his wife had sat in. Placing his elbows on him knees and face in his hands, he growled in frustration. His mind was racing and all He could do was stare.

This was new to everyone. Someone being raised from the dead didn't happen everyday. Especially when it's your best friend. Life was to cruel to grant such wishes. Yet here, on the bed in front of the oldest of the last Uchihas, was the one and only, living and breathing, Kakashi Hatake.

Before Obito knew it Morning rolled around and blinded his closed eyes. Sometime in the night he'd fallen asleep.

Looking at the clock he saw it was an ungodly hour to be up on a day off. 6 O'clock in the morning. 'Stupid curtains...'

Just as he closed his eyes he heard a low groan from in front of him. Looking at the bed the Uchiha saw that Kakashi had turned away from the sun and was forcing his eyes open.


Everything was bright to the light deprived eyes of the young silverette. As habit though he didn't think twice about forcing his eyes open. When the light truely hit his eyes, the boy flinched slightly. The white walls surrounding him didn't help the bright light hitting his eyes. Still he forced them open.

As his eyes focused, the silverette saw a man in his late 20's sitting in front of him with a look of happiness and surprise. Two pairs of onyx eyes meet and, even though he hid it better than before, Obito's happiness shown in his eyes. Sitting up, the silver haired boy looked at the raven haired man beside him.

The man's hair was stuck out in many directions, like a permanent bed-head look. His onyx eyes shimmered with so many emotions it made the silver haired teen frown slightly. The older males cloths were just the authorized Jounin uniform with his hitai-ate around his forehead.

As the silverette observed the male he spoke, "Who are you?" His tone was tense and guarded, muscles mimicking his tone, ready to run or fight if the need came.

Obito just pointed to his hitai-ate, trying to see if his former team mate could peace it together. Flicking his eyes to the metal plate, he saw the leaf symbol and relaxed slightly before tensing again.

"I live in the leaf village and have never seen you before. Who are you?" The teen repeated.

Sighing the male answered, "Idiot. It's Obito." Staring at his comrades face he saw anger flash over his visible features. His mask stayed where it was from before the mission but was ripped slightly.

"Lies. Obito-" The young male was cut-off when Obito continued.

"I'm not lying Kakashi." His onyx eyes pierced his normally emotionless comrades eyes, "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked out of the blue.

Thinking hard, Kakashi clenched the blankets and knotted his eyebrows together in concentration. The last true thing he remembered was saying his good-byes to Rin and Obito before the cave collapsed on the three of them.

Before the genius could answer Obito did for him, "The cave in? Right?" With a simple nod Kakashi took his turn.

"Why... Why do you look older? How long has it been since the cave in? How did I survive?" Kakashi asked. This entire situation confused him and, even though he would never admit it, he needed help figuring it out.

With a large sigh Obito rose from the chair and moved to the window sill, "It's been 13 years since the cave in Kakashi. It's not my fault if I age. As for how you survived... Well that's what we all want to know."

Surprised, Kakashi just looked at his sheets before a low growl rippled through the room. Turning around Obito saw Kakashi glaring at his sheets.

"Still the same." Obito mumbled shaking his head at his egotistical friend, "I'll get you something to eat."

As Obito left the room for food, Kakashi wondered, 'Is my eye scared? How can I still use it? Did I even age?' Looking at his hands Kakashi answered his age question. He hadn't aged a bit.


Stopping it there. This was longer than I thought and its like 2 in the morning. Kakashi's alive! Sorry for the wait!




SLEEP(sleep is fun:) )


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