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Kakashi Hatake stared blankly out the window in Konohagakure's ninja academy. Even if he had been promoted to Jounin before the mission, Lord Hokage want him to go to the academy. He figured it would be safer for the silverette to at least pretend to be a Genin.

Not long after the mysterious boy woke up did he learn all that had happened. From almost all the Uchiha's being killed to his sensei's death. Many people came to see him. Obito, Rin, Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai visited the most.

When the hospital discharged the young Hatake, he  was taken to his former team mate's home. Kakashi was surprised to see a young boy playing in the living room. Obito and Rin had forgotten to mention their 5 year old son. The couple then decided to drop the bomb on the already shell shocked shinobi that there would soon be another child running rampant.

"Kakashi. What's the answer?" Iruka Umino asked pointing to the board.

With a quick look over of the question, he took a few seconds to solve it before answering, "If the shuriken is thrown on a straight path trajectory then the angle needed to pierce the target center would be 47° high."

With a nod, the slightly new academy teacher continued his lesson. Iruka obviously wasn't fazed that he got it exactly on target. While Iruka continued, his class stared at the new student in amazement.

It was two days before the graduation exam and, before now, everyone expected him to flunk. But opinions change. Now everyone knew he would be somewhere near the top of the class.

Up in the Hokage tower, an old man and raven haired adult watched the students in amusement. 'If only they knew.' Obito thought with an amused smirk.

"I'm going to put him on your team Obito. There no doubts in either of our minds that he'll pass." The Third Hokage announced.

The black haired male gave short respectful response, "Of course. He'll probably out do me in a week tops."

With a small chuckle the older man agreed.


The graduation exam had come and gone. Everyone one ended up passing in the long run and all the new genin had been registered. Today all of them would gain a Genin team.

"As of today, all of you are rookie Genin, and only that. You will all be placed on a four man squad with a Jounin instructor. These will be your teams until your instructor sees fit. The teams were placed to keep balance based on skill level." Iruka went on to announce countless teams and Kakashi listen for his name to be called. It wasn't until he heard his old team's number called that he truly paid attention, "Team 7; Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and ,by Lord Hokage's request, Kakashi Hatake."

Each member gave there own responses to each member but made no complaints about the mysterious silverette being on their team. Each wondered what it was that made the Hokage request him onto their team.


Three hours late. Team 7's instructor was three hours late. After the first hour, Kakashi had it figured out. His sensei was going to be very late for sure.

By the time the second hour past Kakashi felt like slamming his face into the desk. His team was almost an exact replica of the original Squad 7.

Team mate 1. Naruto Uzumaki. Almost exactly like his hot-headed mother and just as serious as the young Obito.

Team mate 2. Sakura Haruno. Similar in attitude to a younger Rin except on a larger scale and obviously more focused on boys than training.

And finally, team mate 3. Sasuke Uchiha. Very much like a certain brooding Hatake, only slightly more sociable.

Kakashi now understood what his old sensei had gone threw on a daily basis and watching his team now. He really wanted to smash his head into his desk.

As they hit the three and a half hour mark, Kakashi had barely any patients left. Between the constant bickering of his team mates and his "Sensei's" lateness, he almost did slam his head into his desk.

"Our sensei's a Jounin. Like he'd fall a stupid prank like that." The brooding Uchiha scoffed.

'If he's the same idiot then he probably will.' The peeved silverette thought while glaring at the chalk board eraser wedged into the door frame.

The most experienced of the four quickly noticed the chakra signature on the other side and watched as the black haired adult stuck his head in the door crack. In his hand, the eraser that had been jammed in the door dangle clumsily.

"Nice try. Next time make it less obvious." Obito smiled lightly and Kakashi saw a glimpse of his sensei, back when Squad 7 was only a trial squad.


I finally got inspiration! and before anyone comments about one of these two things: please don't ask me to update (I'll try to update by December 25 (don't know if Christmas is part of your religions or not) at latest. and two I did meant threw and into the desk when I typed it.

Anyway, thanks for reading and have a happy Hanukkah(sp?) and/or Kwanzaa or what ever other holiday you celebrate:)


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