Chapter Three

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The party still commenced. I was sitting on Harry's

sofa with him, not saying a word. It was rather

awkward after a while, but he started up a


"Are you okay?" He asked me, shouting over the

music. "Huh?" I laughed.

"Do you want to go stand outside so I can hear

you better?" He shouted.

I nodded, and he took my hand, leading me

through the dancing teenagers, half drunk and

some eating each other's faces off. Why, in hell's name did Louis want me to be a part of this?

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm not really a party person" I shrugged.

"Me either" He replied.

"Why are you even throwing it then?" I giggled.

"Well, it was Amber's idea, but people had already started to arrive before I was about to cancel it so I

had to let it go on" He sighed.

"Oh" I simply replied.

"If we both hate parties, why are we still here

then?" He asked me.

"No idea" I giggled. He took me out of the back gate, leading me by the

hand again and walking down the cold, dark

street. I started shivering and chattering my teeth.

"Are you cold?" He asked me.

"Kinda" I giggled.

"Oh, here" He said, taking off his jacket and wrapping his around my shoulders.

"Thanks, but it's not really my top half, it's my

bottom" I laughed, looking down at my shorts.

"Oh, right" He laughed. "Keep it on anyway, just in


"Thanks, again" I giggled. After that, we were just silently, awkwardly

walking down the street. I hadn't really spoken to

Harry much before, he seemed to be really nice too.

I don't know why he'd suddenly taken such a

interest in me, I don't know why he wasn't with

Amber. "Why aren't you with Amber?" I asked him, out of

all curiosity.

"I don't know" He shrugged.

I decided to say nothing else about Amber. "So, who are you crushing on?" Harry asked me

with a smirk.

"Oh gosh, nobody" I giggled.

"Are you sure? You and Louis seem pretty close"

He winked.

I sat thinking about that. I had never thought about Louis and I dating, feeling a different love for

each other as we did now. I had never thought

about letting him kiss me anywhere but my

forehead or cheek, or letting him hold me in a way

that was different to how he did now.

I simply shrugged. "I haven't thought about Louis and I going out" I


"Why not?" He asked me.

"Well, I don't know the thought never really

crossed my mind" I giggled.

"Oh, really?" He smiled, turning to face me. "Yeah" I giggled, looking down at the floor to stop

all awkwardness.

He then lifted my chin up, looking me deep in the

eyes. He moved his face closer, toward mine, I

could feel him breathing on my neck, he crashed

our lips together, stroking my face as he kissed me. It seemed like every second he was deepening the


When he pulled away, I couldn't even move, I

couldn't even talk, I just sat there staring at the


"I'm so sorry" He choked. I stood up, inhaling deeply, then exhaling. "I should

go" Was all I could say. I slipped away, slowly

walking up the street, holding the side of my face

and biting my lip.

Why the hell did he just do that when he's with

Amber. I guess he wasn't so nice.

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