We were queuing up for the roller coaster, finally,
and I kept in mind what Harry said to me about
talking to Louis. I obviously wasn't going to ask
him right now, so I just stood patiently waiting to
get on the ride.
I looked over at Harry, who was standing with his head down, hands in his pockets and on his
phone. He looked up at me, and smiled. I smiled
back, but turned to face the boys again, because
they were a little further away.
"Hey, Sophie, are you coming on this or what?"
Chloe called over. "Yeah, sorry" I laughed, jogging up to her and
getting on with the boys.
I was seated next to Chloe and Niall, near the front.
"Oh god hold my hand!" Chloe cried.
"Calm down" I laughed.
"Do it!" She demanded, lifting up her hand. "Fine" I mumbled, grabbing it and inhaling deeply.
"Zayn stop shaking!" Niall hissed.
"I'm not!" Zayn replied, feigning his fear.
"Okay, okay" Niall smirked, facing the front as the
ride jolted forward.
"Oh my god" Chloe panicked. "Shut up!" I laughed, as we began to descend
higher and higher.
We stopped near the top.
"Right, now I'm scared" I laughed, squeezing onto
her hand. I stepped off, feeling rather dizzy and sick. It was
still one of the best rides I've been on though.
"Well" Zayn said as he stepped off. "At least my
hair's up again".
I laughed. "My hair's mental" I replied.
Chloe was pale, as she walked off. "I hate you" She barely whispered.
Niall was in stitches. "She was almost crying! And
she didn't stop screaming, and-"
He was cut off by Chloe slapping him over the
head. "As if you didn't scream!".
"Hi guys!" Harry's voice called. "Oh, sorry" Liam laughed. "So are we heading
"I feel sick.." Louis complained. "And nobody else
can drive. I don't wanna drive" He mumbled.
"Shame" I smirked, patting down bits of his hair
that were sticking up from the coaster. "Yes" He pouted.
"Just breathe, and keep the window down" Zayn
said, trying to keep his hair up.
"I will, I will" Louis muttered, shaking his head as
we made our way over to the car. "Bad idea. Although it's keeping you from not
throwing up, I'm freezing!" I shivered, my lips
"You're in that gigantic jumper! And on Harry's
lap!" Zayn said, pointing over exasperatedly.
"And in shorts" I mumbled. "Well here!" Louis shouted over the noise,
throwing me his jacket to put over my legs.
"Thanks Lou" I grinned, blanketing myself with it.
I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, and I
jumped. I craned my head back, and saw Harry
grinning at me. I laughed and shook my head, looking out of the window and leaning on it. My
head was moved to Harry's chest, and I closed my
eyes. :)

A Story Of One Direction
FanfictionDirectioner Here! These stories are made by me,cause i'm crazy about 1D! I hope you will like that! Follow me @OnD_EnDLessLoVe x