Chapter Seventeen

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I awoke early the next morning, by the sound of

Niall snoring happily.

Bring on today.

I watched as Chloe arose from her slumber, her

dark red hair in a frizz from where she hadn't

straightened it. She looked over at me. "I think we should sort ourselves out before the

boys wake up" She whispered.

I agreed.

"I'm already awake" I heard Louis mumble. He sat

up, and widened his eyes. "Oh god, it's the bush

monster!" I laughed. "What's the bush monster?"

"You!" He cried.

"Lovely, thanks for that, this is what fresh air does

to my hair and face, now if you'll excuse me, I'm

going to try and resolve this issue." I said,

unzipping my back and grabbing my other bag containing my cosmetics, shampoo, crap like that.

"Don't be too long" He muttered, throwing himself

back down into his sleeping bag. "Oh god, my hair wont calm down" Chloe


"Hey, it looks fine, just a little curly, be quiet!" I

laughed, brushing my eyelashes through some

mascara. I also added a little blush to my cheeks,

and brushed my teeth, popping a mint into my mouth as well.

She frowned, and put her brush into her bag,

zipping it up. "That's an improvement!" Louis cried.

The rest of the boys were up now, snuggled up in

their seats.

"Shut up" I muttered, running my fingers through

my frizzy hair and sitting down too. I looked down

at myself, and realized I was still in my pajamas. I groaned. I was freezing too. It consisted of a pair

of shorts and a baggy top, although Louis had said

that they were hardly shorts because of their


It was warm last night, well, evening.

"I should go and change" I sighed. "Don't you dare" Zayn bellowed.

I look over at him, and he was winking.

I frowned at him, and stood up. "I'm changing,

whether you like it or not" I replied.

"Damn" He sighed, clicking his tongue.

I rolled my eyes and head into the tent, grabbing an outfit out.

Shorts, and a tank top.

Again. After I'd changed, I walked back out of the tent

and sat back down, avoiding the eyes that were

boring into me.

God, I wasn't that attractive.

"So what are we doing today?" I said to Louis.

He shrugged. "I don't know. But I know later that we're going to the arcade bit they have there" He


"Great" I smiled. -Do you think Zayn likes Sophie?

-What do you think will happen next?

-Is Louis gonna tell Sophie that he likes her?

-Do you think Harry likes Sophie?

-What do you think will happen between Louis

and Harry?

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