Chapter 3: Waking Up

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No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

-Matthew 24:36

Chapter Song: Radioactive- Imagine Dragons


 I was a prisoner to my mind, locked away in the abyss for god knows how long. Some time seemed to have passed. I could hear the voices speaking to me, telling me how much I was missed. I screamed out my answers, I responded but I wasn't heard. It was in time, I slowly forgot.

While trapped in this jail in my mind I slowly began to lose all rational thought. How did I get here? Have I always been here? Is there a way to leave? What's going on? What's going to happen?

Who am I? It was when I began questioning my identity, I began to constantly chant the name Ivan.

It seemed, just like my memories, the voices began to fade. Those soothing voices who'd crooned such sadness and despair, begging for me to return had stopped. Would it always be like this?

But there were haunting sounds I would never forget as I walked around in this numb darkness. Tires squealing in protest against pavement, crashing, window and glass shattering, a car tumbling about like a little rag doll before another loud crashing bang.

I was in a wreck.

Though my time spent in this abyss was prolonged and felt like ages, the crash was so detailed it felt as though it had happened mere minutes ago. I would just keep walking...and walking...and walking. Much like now. I was just walking.

Minutes passed and suddenly, something changed. It almost felt like a change in figure, the darkness seemed to change. I felt a struggling pull as I saw what looked like the back of my eyelids, as if I were inside my own head...Was I? This felt different, like a struggling change to escape. It was as if I were slowly approaching the back of my eyelids and then with a start,

I woke up.

My eyelids felt like heavy lead, as though they weighed a ton. I slowly pried them open, seeing startling blurred images swirling all about. It's almost too good to be true, like a fantasy. It seemed not too long ago I was in an Altima racing down a highway, when it got plowed over by something big. Then, darkness overcomes me again. I realized I was fading in and out of consciousness. I lay there forever, with every exhale out of my lungs comes a groan, just for the comfort of hearing something.

Gradually things become clearer and I am a little bit more aware during these periods of consciousness. I whimpered, straining my head as I looked around. I was in a hospital bed. It was an off white schemed room, with many tubes, needles and IV's stuck in me in all different directions like a pin cushion.

Needles...I gasped, a sudden revolting fear coursing through me as I struggled to snatch the needles out. Groaning in pain, I could feel them slip out of my skin. It was then, my common knowledge of hospitals returned to me. "H-Hello?" I called out, my hands drifting over the ugly hospital gown. My voice was scratchy a sore. I could feel my sides and back aching, due to bed sores.

I had this strange feeling that my waking up was something be concerned about. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was asleep. But this was a hospital, there's supposed to be that annoying BPM monitor beeping away, nurses bustling down the halls, patients moaning and groaning, but silence...An incessant, haunting silence. It followed my voice and goose flesh raced down my spine. My gut twisted uncomfortably, telling me something was wrong. Very wrong.


I wa too overcome with fear to leave my bed. I sat there for hours, mulling over my thoughts and memories. Gradually my memory slowly came back, not entirely, but I was remembering a lot, including song lyrics. I was singing an Emeli Sande song as I tried to bring some sort of comfort across to me. Hours had passed, and at last day came. Light poured through the bay window across from my bed.

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