1 /// The boy

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Just like everyone else, Uraraka was excited to go to U.A.

After the entrance exam, she was glad she had enough points to begin with. She ended up giving most of her points to that one boy. What was his name? Wait, she never got a name in the first place.

"I'll get a name when I see him." She thinks.

All she knows about him is that he's plain-looking, and had fluffy green hair, and that he had an amazing quirk now that she thought about it. It blew that robot apart! It was way better, and powerful than her zero-gravity.

She snaps out of her thoughts about the strange boy, and looks at the time. She flops down on her bed and tries her best to sleep, which doesn't come easy to her at first, but she eventually falls asleep.


It's the next day already, and by 7:30 she's out the door. Before she knows it, she's walking towards the U.A doors. She enters them before she starts freaking out, and makes her way towards her classroom.

As she gets closer to the classroom door, she sees someone standing in the doorway. She tries to walk faster so she can peek at who the person standing there is, (even though it probably won't matter who it is to her later).

She got even closer, and she saw a mop of green hair. She started running towards the door and got behind him.

"Ah! You're the plain-looking one!" She said as she approached him.

At first, he didn't turn around to face her. She got confused, and decided to tap his shoulder to get his attention. He eventually turns around, and his eyes widen at her.

"Your punch was so cool!" Uraraka says, and she starts swinging her fist up and down to imitate his punch. He didn't react.

She stopped swinging her fist and just stared at him. 'Is he ignoring me?' She thinks shocked. She puts that thought aside as a person emerged behind the green-haired boy.

"He wouldn't talk to me either." The boy says sadly. "I don't know what's up with him." Ochako looks at the boy with an even more confused look, and takes a quick glance at the green-haired boy. She shakes her head and decided to just go to her desk.

The two boys also went to their desks and waited for the class to start. As soon as they did though, the teacher walked in. The room erupted into gasps at their teacher. It was "Eraser Head", a pro hero, which none of them expected. Their attention wasn't on their teacher for long, because the room was then filled with audible fidgeting and shaking.

Ochako turned her head to the source of the sounds, which was surprisingly coming from the green-haired boy.

"Quiet down, I need to introduce someone first." The teacher said in a monotone voice. He turned toward the green haired boy, and mentioned him to go to the front of the class.

The boy went up and faced everyone. The teacher gave him a piece of chalk, and the boy went to writing.

Ochako stared at the boy in complete confusion. She gives up. This boy is completely strange.

The boy turns from the board and sets the chalk down. Everything made sense as Ochako read the words writes on the board:

"Hi, I'm Midoryia and I'm deaf".

Hi, I'm Deku | Izuocha | ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now