8 /// Sickness

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After what Ochako calls, "the table incident" they've grown to be more affectionate with each other.

Sometimes when they walk from class to the cafeteria, their hands finds the other without fail. Ochako doesn't mind though. She likes how comfortable they've grown to be. Of course, when they first started being like this, Midoryia was extremely shy and red faced. He got used to it though, although the red in his cheeks still lingered.

It was lunch time and Ochako sat at the infamous table waiting for her friend. She poked her food with her spoon and wondered why she got food when she wasn't hungry. She stretched and when she relaxed her muscles, Midoryia sat beside her completely red in the face. Ochako let out a surprised squeak which startled Midoryia as well.

"What's up? Are you okay?" She signed, her soft brown eyes filled with concern. Midoryia looked up slowly at her and slowly signed back, "I'm okay, I'm just sick". With that, he plopped his head on the table and let himself stare into space. Ochako's eyes filled to the brim with confusion. She quickly signed, "what are you doing here? You should be home resting!" He only replied with, "I didn't want to miss school".

Ochako sighed and decided today they were going home early. Her food stayed forgotten on the table and she sat him up. She got up and motioned for him to get up as well. When he didn't budge, she used her zero gravity quirk to make him float off the bench. His eyes widened as he realized his feet were not on the ground, but instead in the air. He squirmed in the air but Ochako never let him down. She grabbed his hand and guided him out the building.

"Where do you live anyway?" She manages to sign with one hand. Midoriya squeezes her hand as he signs the directions with his other hand.

They make it to his house and when they reach his room, she lets him down. He drops to ground with a thud which surprises Ochako. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" She speaks, forgetting he can't hear her. She picks him up and puts him on the bed.

"You don't have to do this". He signs.
"If you can't take care of yourself, then I will. This is usually the other way around". She signs back.

"That's kind of sexist". He signs, smirking slightly.

"Shut up, I'll be back".

She exits the room and comes back with medicine, pills, and OJ. She doesn't comment on the fact that his room is filled with All Might posters and figurines. It doesn't matter right now.

"Okay", she voices aloud, "what medicine do you take first?" She asks to the air. She's frustrated when she gets no answer. Well, shut up air. What do you know?

She ends up giving him majority of the medicine. I don't think that's healthy, but as long as he gets better. Oh boy, he's really drugged up. She thinks as she sees the boy struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Can you hold my hand please?" He signs.

Um, okay. This is weird. He's usually really shy when he asks this? Did I drug him that badly?

She takes his hand anyway.

"Why didn't you want to miss school? You're sick, when that happens, you should rest". She scolds through such language.

This earns her a love-struck look from the boy. Should I call 911? Is he okay? What's even in the medicines?

"I didn't want to skip school, because I wanted to see you. You're so nice Uraraka-san. Pretty too. Why would I want to miss beauty? Any sane person wouldn't." He signs after a minute.

Her face turns red. Since when did it get so hot in this room? Is the AC on? Can I go turn that on please?

"Yeah, really pretty. And cute too. Do you know that?" Thats the last thing he signs before his hand falls to his side and goes into a deep slumber.

Um, what just happened?

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