Chapter 13

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Bucky knocked on T'Challa's chamber doors and was greeted by the sight of a very disheveled king in his bathrobe.

"Good morning." T'Challa said tiredly.

"Who is it?" Was that Steve?

"Barnes. Come in." T'Challa cracked his neck and opened the door to reveal a tired Steve looking over documents in the Kings bed. He was still in his casual wear from the day before.

"Oh, hey Buck." Steve rubbed his eyes. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah...Why are you here?" Bucky was not jealous. He was curious...Okay, maybe a bit suspicious too, but he trusted Steve.

"I'm looking over some documents. I plan on breaking the others of the team out soon." Steve yawned. "Kings helping me."

"Please call me T'Challa, Rogers. What is your business with me, Barnes?" He was straight to business it seemed.

"Uh, Bucky please. I...Could we talk alone?" He wanted to tell Steve after, so he couldn't try and stop him. He had to do this.

"I'll go. I've kept T'Challa up long enough. Thank you." Steve nodded to T'Challa and left the room with the documents. Bucky let out a nervous breath.

"If it's not too much to ask..."

"I'm sure it isn't, Bucky. Go ahead."

"I...I want to go under again. I want to be frozen again until this...thing, in my head is gone. It's driving me mad. I'm losing sleep and I keep getting the feelings I'm just going to snap like a rubber band and hurt, or worse kill, someone. I'm becoming a wreak." He ran a hand through his hair.

"I can see that." T'Challa frowned slightly. "What do you need, Bucky?"

"...A case, a glass cylinder or something to hold me in until I'm better. I want wake up and know I won't go back to the Winter Soldier again. I want HYDRA out of my head."

"Then I shall grant you your wish. I will get my men to work. We can call ourselves even after this.  I wouldn't usually go this far for a man on the run, but...I see you're good man. Under all your misdeeds, you are a man worthy of redemption." T'Challa squeezed his shoulder in a reassuringly strong grip and Bucky smiled bitterly.

"I'm glad you see me like that. I see why your people love you." Bucky patted the dark hand on his shoulder and pulled it off slowly. "Thank you, T'Challa."

"Victims deserve their stories to be righted. My father would want me to help you."

"Your father would be proud of you, then." Bucky smiled a bit wider. "Good day."

"You should tell Steve on your way out."

"I will." He left with that, closing the door behind him softly and leaving the king to rest.


Bucky found Steve asleep in your room, documents splayed around him hazardously on the soft bed. Bucky chuckled and started collecting them up into a pile, placing them aside on the bedside table.

"Thanks, Buck." He turned to the rough voice, ridden with sleep. He felt warm at Steve's crinkled eyes and small smile, leaning forward with one knee on the mattress to give him a peck that Steve turned into a lingering kiss.

"Sorry if I woke you."

"No, it's fine. It's a pleasant thing to wake up to."

"God, you're sappy." Bucky chuckled and sat besides Steve, who took to tracing over Bucky's knuckles lazily.

"I can't lie, now can I?" Steve responded, linking their fingers. Bucky swallowed thickly. He didn't want to hurt Steve with his decision, but he knew it was for the best. For both of them.

"Neither can I. That's why I came here actually."

"What is it, Buck?" He said his nickname so sweetly and kindly that Bucky had to bit his tongue to stop himself from kissing the blond. He felt like a lovesick teen when Steve looked at him like he hung the moon. Yet, at the same time, it reminded him that he did no such thing that was worthy of that gaze.

"Stevie...I'm going under again."

"What?" Steve furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I'm going to freeze myself again. Until I get HYDRA's out of my head, I can't stay out and about. It's the best thing I can do, for everyone, and myself." Steve looked lost for words, but he nodded.

"Okay...I respect your decision Bucky. I just wish- I wish we could have had a bit more time." Steve squeezed his hand and Bucky nodded.

"I know. Thank you for understanding. I need this."

"I know you do, Buck. I should have expected it." Steve sighed. "How long until you go under?"

"Till they make the case, I guess." Bucky shrugged.

"I see..." Steve closed his eyes, and Bucky didn't know whether he was trying to sleep or just wanted to think.

"Do you need anything?"

"I'd love a good sleep and hug?" Steve requested and Bucky smiled slightly, laying besides Steve, slipping his arm over his waist.

"Better?" Steve pulled him closer, nose buried in his dark locks.

"Better." He mumbled and Bucky let himself relax in Steve's grasp as the blond slept. Bucky's missed hours of sleep caught up with him, and he slipped into dreamless rest.


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