My little anxious baby

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(I decided to mix things up with this one and it's still going to be fluff :p also if you get the reference please be my friend)

Virgil was very clumsy and would somehow appear adorable while doing so to the other traits. One time he fell down the stairs and into Prince's arms with his head against his chest and arms around his shoulders to catch his fall. Princey lifted him up more and held him by his ass and back. He carried his boyfriend to the couch and checked him for any injuries, Virgil had a few cuts  and bruises. Princey took care of them and kissed his forehead before capturing his lips. Virgil kissed back and smiled. They soon pulled away and he thanked his savior. Patton came in with Logan, worried for the anxious trait. Roman reassured them that Virgil was okay and didn't have any serious injuries. Patton sighed in relief and said that he'll be in the kitchen making lunch. The three nodded and Patton left. Logan asked what happened. "I fell down the stairs and Princey caught me." Virgil answered bluntly and Roman smirked. "More like you fell into my arms, Anx." Roman corrected and Virgil blushed and shook his head, "Definitely not. That's how you saw it because you're a cheezy romance addict." Virgil teased. And Roman chuckled, "I am, but I remember you falling down and straight into my arms with those soft hands around my shoulders, and that adorable face on my chest~" Roman had taken one of his hands into his own and gently massaged it while he cupped Anxiety's​ cheek with his thumb gently caressing it. Anxiety was a blushing mess and Logan noticed and mouthed 'Kiss him' to Roman, which, of course he did. Virgil kissed back and Logan took his other hand and massaged it, knowing exactly where to massage and how to. He relaxed more and the two pulled back from the kiss. "I love you guys so much." Anxiety said and his boyfriends kissed his cheek. They felt Thomas summon them.  Thomas and Morality saw Anxiety sitting in Prince's lap with Logic and Prince giving him a hand massage. Anxiety hid his face in Prince's chest. Patton squealed at the sight. "So how long has this been going on for?" Thomas asked and Logan bluntly answered. "A couple of months now." Logan looked over at Anxiety and Prince. Prince was whispering things into Anxiety's ear. Anxiety nuzzled him and tugged his sash. Logan knew Prince will eventually get Virgil into his little space. Virgil didn't want Thomas to know about that thing since he finds it embarrassing. Logan knew that he was going to want Patton to help him with it and Thomas probably needs all of them for something. "Thomas what do you need us for?" Thomas looked back over at Logan. "Oh! I wanted to inform you that we're going to go on a trip soon!" Thomas exclaimed excitedly. "That sounds wonderful Thomas! How soon Thomas?" Patton asked. "Tomorrow morning!" He answered with a grin. "That sounds nice Thomas, we will pack tonight." Logan said and Prince and Anxiety nodded. The four sunk down and Virgil did grabby hands at Patton. Patton took him from Prince and the three went to Virgil's special room they created for when Virgil goes into his little space. Prince grabbed his small container of pacifiers and opened it before going over and sitting next to Virgil. "Which one do you want Baby boy?" Virgil pointed to the purple one with the purple cloud and lightning bolt. Prince picked it up and put it in his mouth. Patton picked out a jumper for Virgil while Logan grabbed a stuffed animal for him. Virgil got out of his clothes and into his jumper before going back to Roman and sitting on his lap. Logan gave Virgil his purple stuffed bear and placed a kiss on his forehead. Virgil pulled out his pacifier and spoke in his baby voice. "Daddy. Come here." Patton found his baby voice extremely adorable. Patton went over and hugged him. "What is it snuggle bug?" He asked and he heard a absolutely adorable answer in his absolutely adorable voice. "I love you Daddy." Patton's​ grin widened. "I love you too my little anxious baby." Virgil smiled and yawned. "Is my baby tired?" Prince asked and Virgil shook his head. "You are tired." Logan picked him up and held him while rocking him. "I'm not sleepy daddy." Virgil said tiredly and Logan shushed him. "Go to sleep baby." Virgil smiled when Logan put his pacifier back into his mouth and closed his eyes before he instantly fell asleep in Logan's arms. Roman and Patton had giant grins on their faces. Logan slowly and gently laid Virgil down in his crib but he had a strong grip on him. "Aww, he wants you to lay with him." Patton cooed and Logan couldn't help but smile. He kissed Virgil's head. "Guess we're going to our bedroom." Prince said and the two nodded and went to the bedroom they all share. They laid down in the bed close to each other and holding one another before they all fell asleep.

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