Chapter 2

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Matthew's POV

So today was the Magcon tour, and I was pretty stocked but for some reason my mind kept going back to something that happened 2 years ago but i don't know what, like i try to remember what but it's like my mind keeps blocking it. "Hey Matt!" Carter yelled and i shook my head and looked over at him. "Dude Cameron told me to tell you that Serenity and her friend will be coming this afternoon" he said.

"Wait what's the friends name?" i asked him and he looked at me in confusion, before he shrugged.

"I don't know, why you ask?"

"Oh no reason, now lets go, i guess Cameron is waiting for us" i said and he nodded his head before we both left the hotel room and started heading over towards Cameron's room.

"You guys ready?!?!" Carter yelled when we walked into the room and I laughed while following him.

"Yes!! just waiting for Cameron!" Nash yelled back.

"Why are we yelling!" I yelled and everyone laughed and shrugged before Cameron came out. "Finally!" Taylor said causing everyone to laugh except for Cameron he just rolled his eyes. "Whatever let's go" was all he said before we all started heading out and talking, me? I just was thinking about things, not really paying attention to any of the others, until I got drawn out of my thoughts once again..

"Matthew you alright?" Nash asked

"Ya I'm alright just thinking" I said and they nodded their heads, thankfully not asking me anything else, but when we got downstairs there were a lot of Fans, it was crazy, but I had this feeling that something was going to happen today...

Cassidy's POV

When we got there it was packed, but I was here for Serenity, because she didn't wanna go alone, so I agreed to come, and not let her be lonely, while Cameron and the others do their concert and if your wondering I have meet Cameron, so ya me and him are friends, but anyways before we went in I picked Jackson up and than walked in, but when we walked in we kinda stayed in the back, so we wouldn't get trampled by a bunch of fan girls, but when the guys came out I recognized Cameron but not the others but I looked closely at one of them to see that he looked like Matthew, and if it is Matthew than what was I dragged into...

Matthew's POV

When we went on stage I just looked around the crowd but my eyes landed one person holding a little boy, and I swore it looked like Cassidy, I don't but I swore it looked like Cassidy, but I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that I'm right so I just continued with the show trying not to think much about it but that back fired because it was on my mind the whole time, making me just wanna jump off this stage and walk over there to see if it was her, because if it was I don't know how I would feel, but I know not anger, maybe guilt or worse...

Cassidy's POV

After the concert, and after everyone leaves Serenity runs over to Cameron and engulfs him in a big hug, I just laughed a little and put Jackson down and he ran straight over to Serenity and Cameron, with me following after them both.

"Uncle Cam!" Jackson yells and I smiled a little.

"Jackson!" Cameron yelled and picks Jackson up and hugs him "What you doin here lil buddy" he asks

"No one could watch him so I had to bring him with us" I said

"Oh okay. and how's it going Cassidy" he asked

"It's been good just you know doing 1000 things at once" I said laughing a little. "Awe if ya ever need someone to take Jackson out of your hands you can just call me, and he can come and hang out with me and the guys" he said and I gave him a smile. "thanks Cam" I said and he nodded his head "no problem and speaking of the guys, let's go meet them" he said and Jackson cheered while I laughed and followed them to group of peoples "okay Cassidy meet Taylor, Carter, Shawn, Jack J, Jack G, Aaron, Nash, Hayes, Mahogany" he said and I waved hello before I heard one voice from behind me.

"Cassidy?" the voice said and I turned around to become faced to face with Matthew

"Matthew?" I said shocked as ever, but before anyone of us could say anything else Jackson spoke up.

"Mommy Who's that?" he asked and Matthew looked at me in confusion, and i sighed. i really didn't want this happening so soon, but i guess things happen unexpecting, i looked over to Serenity to see her kinda worried and i gave her a look saying to help me because i really didn't know what to say to any of this. 

"Jackson he's just a friend of your mom's now come'on lets go play, so they can talk" Serenity said to Jackson and i guess the other guys too because they all walked away, and i turned back over to Matthew.

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