Chapter 21

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A/N: Ya know what i'm just gonna make a Chapter 21 because i really don't know what else to put but ya i'm pretty sure this will be the last Chapter for this story.

Matthew's POV

It's been a 3 months since Jackson died, we all have been affected by Jackson's death but we are all trying to move on with our lifes, just so we won't be stuck in the past, Cassidy she's doing okay, she's still very upset like a majorly upset but she is trying her best to move on, and not think about it because it hurts a lot she told me but anyways other than that Kary and the other guy were senteced to Jail for life, we were all happy for that, because they did take someone special out of our lifes, just it's hard i can't really explain all of this, but moving on to right now, me and the guys are back on tour, and the girls decided to come because well they would just miss all of us, and i honestly don't wanna leave Cassidy alone like the way she is.

"Matt?" Carter said causing me to look at him.

"Sup?" i asked him 

"You alright?" he asked and i sighed and shook my head.

"No, just i didn't get enough time with him before he died, just i wish i had enough time" i said to him truthfully and he patted me on the shoulders.

"I know man but look at the bright side you have Cassidy in your life, and i know he was your son, and i miss him as much as you do but we can't live in the past, Matt" he said and i nodded my head agreeing.

"Ya i know, and i'm glad she's in my life, and i seriously understand that Carter, but still" i told him.

"I get it trust me" he said, than something clicked in my head that i've been wanting to ask him a long time ago.

"Ya... Quick question remember how you over reacted when i hurt Cassey? What was that all about?" i asked him, and i saw him hesitate before speaking.

"Well about that... i kinda had a crush on her, but hey i know she's yours man" he said, and i raised an eye brow at him

"Well if that was back then it's alright and good because she's mine" i told him while laughing lightly.

"About that..." Carter said before running off

"Your dead" i told him, before going after him.

"But hey like i said i get she's yours so no need to kill me!" he said, and i stopped running after him.

"Whatever Reynolds just rememeber i will kill you if you try taking her from me" i told him.

"I promise to never do that, your like my brother so why would i wanna ruin your relatioship with Cassidy" he said.

"Good, so anyways whatcha wanna do? and Wheres the others?" i asked him, and he shrugged, before Hayes came running in here with a Camera.

"Guys your missing the best Smack Cam ever!" he said before running out of the room, so me and Carter decided to follow him, and see what was going on, and that was big mistake because when we did both of us were smacked, and i looked over to the person who smacked me and it was Cassidy.

"Gotcha!" she said and high fived Hayes.

"what did ya'll do to my girlfriend?!" i asked them jokingly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Taught her how to have fun, that's what" Taylor said.

"Oh shut up Taylor i only joined because you smacked me so i had to get you back" she said, and i looked over to Taylor and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well thankfully you got him back, so i won't have to kill him, and i'm glad to see you having fun and not being upset" i said, and she hugged me and shrugged.

"Ya i don't know what i would do if these weridos weren't in my life" she said, and everyone awed and came and joined the hug which now was a group hug. "Guys your squishing me!" she said to them and they all moved away from the hug, and so did she turning to face them so i wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Ya know you love us!" Nash said, and Cassidy just chuck;ed 

"Maybe...." she causing me to laugh

"well i'm offended" Taylor said

"I'm just kidding, gosh Tay take a joke" she said

"Whatever! So what now i'm bored and i don't want it to go to this awkward silence again" he said, and we all just decided to stay and talk, because there was nothing else to do, but for some reason Mahogany, Serenity went to go have their girl talk while us guys just talked about whatever were talking about and weirdly i felt lonely like something was missing, and i knew who that was, so i told the guys i would talk to them later, and went over to Cassidy, and dragged her away so we could talk and walk, because really i just wanted to spend my time with her.

"May i ask why you dragged me away?" she asked with a smile on her face and i shrugged.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you because the guys have been taking you away from me" i said while pouting and she just giggled and shook her head.

"Well glad you took me away, because those girls were talking about shopping, and dresses like not my thing, and eh that's Taylor and Hayes they are the ones that take me away from you" she said

"Yep that doesn't sound like you, and ah should have figured" i said and she nodded her head, and it became quiet between us before any of us speaking, i just examined her beauty, and wondering how i got so lucky.

"How'd i get so lucky?" i bluttered out making her look at me.

"Good question" she said stopping wraping her arms around my neck, while i wrapped my arms around her waist. "Maybe because your lucky that i forgave you, and that i love you so much" she said causing me to smile, and i leaned in resting my forehead on hers.

"I serioulsy can't live Without You" i said before kissing her, and at that very moment i knew i couldn't live without her, she's my everything, and i want to be with her for the rest of my life, and i'll make sure of it if it's the last thing i do..

A/N: Booom! That's the end of the story my friends.... :( I'm so sad now because this one of my stories to work on now i can't work on it anymore.

And once again i'm not making a sequel! welp talk to you later my friends, oh and don't forget to check out my other stories!

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