Chapter 11

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Matthew's POV

When I saw Serenity walk in, beyond pissed I knew I was in deep shit, so I breathed in and waited for to yell at me.

"What the hell Matthew!" she yelled stopping right in front of me. "What did you do?" she asked, and not in a nice way while glaring at me

"We got into an argument and things happened" I said, but I didn't tell her everything and I didn't want to.

"What happened?! because Cassidy won't even let me in the room, or even Jackson!" she said still yelling at me.

"It's nothing okay" I said to her calmly.

"Bull shit, now tell me" she said still glaring at me.

"Fine! Me and Cassy were talking, and we than started arguing about something, and I can't remember what! But the only thing I remember was that it was about Kary, and how she was threatening you and her, and I didn't believe her, and than we were yelling at each other, and we said some things at each other, and I didn't mean to hurt her, or make her cry" I said sitting back down running my hang threw my hair.

"Matt why did you do that! She's been going threw a lot! She's like a piece of glass, one little mistake she's broken, and broken for good. Especially when you left her, she was broken, broken bad, that she wouldn't stop crying until something happened" she said and I sighed now feeling more guilt then ever.

"I don't know I was just pissed! And I didn't know until like hours ago after the argument!" I said back to her before I grabbed the folder and laying everything across the ground.

"Well it still doesn't mean you should have gotten pissed, and what you mean?" she said slightly confused.

"Before she walked out of the room she handed me this folder, because of what she said earlier, and it confused me, so I was going to run after her, but I decided to see what was in the folder, and it was letters, from her to me, and it was explaining everything that happened when I left, and I felt bad, and I still do" I said in a almost whisper, but she heard it.

"So you know about Jackson?" she asked and I nodded my head, and I looked over to her.

"Do you know why she never told me?" I asked her, and she sighed.

"She wanted to tell you, but everyone thought it would have been better to keep it a secret, and she sill refused but they all convinced her, but she felt like she was never going to see you again, so she didn't worry about it, but ever since she saw you, she knew she would have to tell you, but she didn't want to so soon, so she waited and she saw how you and Jackson were getting close, and that's what got her thinking that it was time to tell both of you, but that was ruined by your girlfriend Kary" she said, and I frowned and kinda hurt but I also knew she had her reasons, so I wasn't mad.

"Kary isn't my girlfriend" I said, and she looked confused. "I broke up with her, I don't have feelings for her, I think I have feelings for someone else" I said, and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Who?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"No one you need to worry about" I told her and she shrugged. "I'm gonna go try to talk to Cassy" I tell her and get up walking out of the room to see the guys waiting so they could go in, and I pointed telling them they could, and I walked over to Cassy's room and knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" she asked and I could tell she was crying.

"I wanna talk Cassy please let me in" I asked her softly.

"Why so you can yell at me some more?" she asked kinda harshly

"No Cassy just please let me in" I was practically begging her to unlock the door, and let me in. I heard her sigh before the door unlocked, reveling and crying Cassy, but she let me inside, before shutting the door. "Thank you" I said to her while hugging her.

"Ya ya whatever now what do you wanna talk about" she asked walking and sitting on the bed with her knees close to her face, and this time I sighed.

"Look I wanna say sorry, I didn't mean to call you a bitch or to yell at you or even hurt you, I was just mad at the moment, and I really wanna apologize for leaving you when you were pregnant, if you would've told me way before I would have came back and be with you.. And I'm also sorry for Kary's behavior but you don't have to worry about her anymore I broke up with her" I told her, and she looked at me studying my facial expression to I guess see if i was joking or lying.

"I guess it's okay, but I'm still hurt, and everything, just please don't hurt me like that again, but anyways I couldn't stay mad at you for long. And Why what happened?" she asked, and I sighed once again.

"I promise I won't, I care too much about you to hurt your and eh I kinda saw what you guys were talking about, but the main reason I didn't have feelings for her anymore, I had feelings for someone else" I told her, and I saw something come across her face but I don't know what, but she nodded her head, and I watched her come over to me and hugged me, which I gladly hugged her back, but for some reason I had those butterfly feelings in my stomach from when we were still dating, and if your wondering who I have feelings for, well it's this fantastic girl right next to me, and you can judge me for having feelings for an ex but she's my world, and I would make sure nothing happened to her, but the only problem is that I don't know if she likes me back, and obviously her and Carter have something together or whatever but I don't know I feel like I can't live Without her, and I know it sounds weird but if you really love someone you would say the weirdest things.

After awhile of just sitting there hugging I noticed that Cassidy has fallen asleep, and I didn't wanna wake her so I just carried her bridal style to the too of the bed and laid her down, and put her under the covers, but after that I was about to walk out when I heard her voice.

"Matt?" she asked still sounding tired.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Can you please stay In here with me" she asked and I smiled a little before agreeing and taking off my shoes before laying next to her, and when I did she automatically cuddled next to me, before she was sound asleep, and I just watched her sleep for a little bit, before I felt my eyelids close, and I was surrounded by complete darkness falling asleep with the girl of my dreams right next to me.. Ugh I sound like a love sick puppy, I need to stop because it's making me sound completely stalkerish...

Weird Ending! haha sorry didn't know how to end it, but ya thanks for the reads, and everything but now I will leave you fantastic people alone and let you read (sorta)......

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