Chapter 13

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Cassidy's POV

Whenthe others left I decided to walk over to a sleeping Jackson.

"Jackson wake up buddy mommy needs to talk to you" I said shaking him a little but, and he just kinda made this cute little groaning noise and turned over. "Come'on Jackson I need to tell you something very important" I said once again but a little bit sterner and he turned back over again, and opened his eyes.

"But i'm sleepy!" he whined and i sighed.

"i know but i have to tell you something, and than you can go back to sleep" I said to picking him up and sitting on the bed, and he nodded his head, and I breathed in before I started speaking. "Okay so you know how you asked me couple days about your father?" I asked him and he started thinking, and he nodded his head. "well that picture that you found of me and Matt, and I told you he was a friend of mine well actually he's your father..." I told him slowly because I was kinda scared of what his reaction would be but, his face lot up and and he got off my lap and jumped into Matthews arms and hugged him.

"I know!" Jackson said and that confused both me and Matthew.

"What do you mean you knew?" Matt asked him, and he shrugged.

"I kept hearing all the uncles talk about stuff like that, and I've heard mommy always talk about this Matt guy" he said like he was grown and I just stood their shocked.

"So you knew? and your not mad at me?" Matt asked him, and he shook his head.

"No I'm not mwad, I just happy that your back in mine and mommys life, and you won't leave again will you?" he asked him with those puppy dog eyes, and I was this close to being in tears at this point.

"I'll always be here, I love you and your mom tons, and leaving was big mistake" Matt said and at this point I was crying.

"Yay! I wove you too" Jackson said hugging him and Matt hugged him back, and I saw Matt look at me, and gave me a smile, so I stood up and walked over to them and joined into the group hug, I was glad that everything was kinda normal agin, but I had that feeling that it was about to be more chaotic than before.

"Mommy!!" I heard both Jackson and Matthew yell causing me to shake my head and look back at then raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I asked them both.

"Can me, you, and daddy go get ice cream pweaseeee" Jackson asked before giving me puppy eyes, and than I get puppy eyes from Matt, and I groan because I can't say no to their faces when their giving me that look so I gave in and we went and got ice cream.

Cameron's POV

Me and everyone else where talking about random things when Taylor blurted out something.

"Wait! You know what I just noticed our little Matthew isn't innocent!" he said.

"Sadly I just remembered that.." blonde said and I laughed.

"Why are we even talking about this?" Gilinsky asked and I shrugged.

"Maybe because Taylor brought it up for no reason, but i'm not surprised he would bring up something like that, because like seriously it's Taylor" Serenity said and we all started laughing.

"Heyy I'm kinda hurt by that ya know!!" He said with a pouty face.

"You know that doesn't work on her right?" Nash asked him and he rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at us before he walked away leaving us to just continue talking about whatever.

"So what we do now? I'm like seriously bored" Carter said and we all said we didn't know and just groaned because there was nothing to do, but while later Taylor comes back in and comes back in and smacks Aaron on the cheek, and yells 'Smack Cam!' and I guess you can kinda guess what that lead to right? ya so we had a huge smack cam fight, and it was fun until Serenity's phone went off, and than mine, but right when I was going to answer it, it died on me so I went and charged it, while Serenity went outside and talked on the phone, and than the smack war continued with everyone getting smacked with whatever which I think was soap, or shampoo, I really don't know, but that all ended when Serenity came rushing back in here with full blown panic on her face, which meant something bad Is seriously going at the moment.

"Guys enough with the smack cam, Serenity what's wrong?" I asked her walking to her but she ignored me and starting pacing around.

"Serenity!" Johnson yelled still nothing.

"Crazy lady!!" Taylor said again nothing.

"Serenity!! TALK TO US!" Hayes yelled and that someone how got her attention and she looked over at us and came directly to me hugging me.

"He's g-gone t-they c-c-can't f-ind him" she said crying and now I was seriously worried and confused.


"T-they l-looked e-every where" she kept saying.

"Serenity what's going on please tell me please" I asked her softly and she just broke down crying some more, so I left her alone with questions and let her cry into my shirt until she was ready to talk to, and tell me what's going on.

"J-Jackson is missing" she said and all of our jaws dropped, at this surprising news......

Y/N sorry it's short!!!

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