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A young woman sat in the middle of a mostly pitch black room. The only part of the room that wasn't full of darkness were the monitors directly in front of her. On these monitors were 5 people, 5 people who simply went on with their normal lives without a care in the world. The woman smiled and whispered.
"Your all going to save us." 
With that she stood up and walked out of the room, as soon as the light hit her anyone in the vicinity could tell she wasn't human. The woman had long black hair and bright piercing blue eyes and she wore a long black dress that covered most of her body. Her skin was so pale it was almost white and covering her arms and neck were large tattoos. The woman made her way downtown, as she did so she bumped into a man in the middle of the cross walk. The man had dark brown, messy long hair and green eyes and tanned skin, he wore copious amounts of black and studs. As soon as she bumped into him they both fell backwards, stopping the flow of people behind them.
People walked around them as the man sucked his teeth and retrieved his glasses. He stood up and went to help the woman up but she was gone. He shrugged and went to leave when he heard the loud screeching of a car coming towards him. He noticed a small girl still in the middle of the road, crying.
"Hey!! Get out of the way!"
The man yelled and sprinted to her and snatched her up just as the car went flying by them, almost hitting them.
The scene turned back to the woman who was standing on the sidelines smiling. She walked next to the man again and pressed her hands against his chest.
"Fearless and courageous."
The woman said and his chest glowed a bright red and she walked off.
She appeared in another setting, the same world but a completely different place this time. This time the woman was in front of an academy, a space military academy. The woman waited until she saw a young man and slipped over to him and bumped him. The man was tall and blonde with golden cat like eyes and a white tattoo on his collar bone. He was reading one of his textbooks as he walked and as soon as she bumped into him his book fell. He looked around to apologize but saw no one there. The man sighed and grabbed his book as he heard a scream from the alleyway next to him. The man ran to the alleyway without hesitation to see a young woman being thrown back and forth in a group of people. The man ran and yelled out.
"Let her go now."
The group cackled at him and two went at him, the man dodged and quickly knocked them out before stepping forward again. The others ran off and the man walked over to the woman and kneeled down.
"Are you alright?"
Her hair shined like gold and it slowly but surely changed into an inky black. The woman from earlier smiled and touched the man's chest gently.
"Compassionate and kind."
His chest glowed a bright yellow as she vanished from beside him.
She once again appeared in a completely different place. This time she appeared in front of a candy shop. She walked in and at the counter was a young woman. She was tall, taller than most men and had long black hair and bangs that framed her face nicely. She had Violet colored eyes and she had on a dress that covered everything up to her chin. She smiled and waved to someone who had just bought something. The woman walked over to her and something feel from one of the candy racks, when the young woman went to retrieve it the woman bumped her and caused her to fall over. Once the young woman heard the bell ring she quickly got to her feet and plastered a smile on her face. The man held a gun up at the young woman and she put her hands up.
The woman slowly began doing as asked with one hand and sneakily pressed the alarm with the other. When the man looked away she grabbed his wrist and pulled it to the counter and punched him in the face. He fell back dropping the gun and then scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of the store. The young woman smirked as she put her hands on her hips. The woman stood behind the young woman and twirled her around as she put her forefinger on the woman's chest.
Her chest glowed a bright purple and the woman smiled and spoke.
"Intelligent and cool-headed."
The woman then disappeared and reappeared in yet another place. This time there was another young woman who was training with a friend. She had short blonde hair and deep crimson colored eyes, her skin was pale and she had long elf like ears. She sped around the floor in seconds twirling her daggers on her fingertips with ease as she clashed against her opponent. Her opponent panted heavily and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The woman walked over to her and bumped her but barely, the woman twirled around and looked around for the thing that touched her. She soon forgot about it when her opponent came charging at her. She went to deal with him by two others came jumping off the ceiling at her. She jumped back and analyzed the situation. She began thinking through several possible scenarios before the three came at her and she twirled over them and tripped them. One jumped and punched her in the face.
"There was a small probability you would do that."
The man did it again and this time she dodged.
"Did you honestly think that the same move would work?"
She chuckled and twirled, high kicking the man so hard he went through a wall. The other came at her and she dropped her weapon and sped at them, grabbing their necks and slamming them into the wall.
She put her hands on her hips as she chuckled and turned, the woman with black hair appeared in front of her and placed her palm on her chest. Her chest began glowing a bright blue as the woman giggled.
"Logical and cautious."
She then disappeared and for the final time reappeared somewhere completely different. She was now in a house next to a man, who was more like a boy than anything. He sat on his couch, mashing on the buttons of his controller angrily as he did so. The man had short chocolate brown hair with blue eyes and caramel colored skin as he states. Covering his skin were multiple faded and I faded scars and scabs. The woman gently placed her chin on top of the man's head and disappeared. The man barely took notice of this as he stuck his tongue out and screamed a slur of curses at his TV. Suddenly the man heard a loud bang and then felt a cold barrel against his temple. The man paused his game and slowly looked over as a group of people stood in front of him, one with a gun in his face. The others began grabbing random objects and stuffing them in their bags.
"Well this is quite the predicament."
The one with the gun yelled. The man shrugged and leaned back.
"There ain't even that much to take. Most of it's just soda cans and cardboard boxes I pretend to drive a car in."
The person hit the man in the face with the butt of the gun and yelled again.
"I said shut up!"
The man smirked and smacked the gun away and tackled him, ripping the gun out of his hand. Gun shots riddled his ears as he dove behind the couch and began shooting at them. He shot one in the shoulder and one in the thigh and they said screw it and ran out.
"Yea you better run!!"
The man breathed out and laughed.
"That was eventful."
The woman appeared in front of the man and he rose the gun at her, she gently moved it away and touch his chest. It glowed a bright orange and the woman smiled softly.
"Carefree and bold."
She then folded her hands behind her back and turned around so her back was facing him. She turned her head enough to see him.
"Now go find the others. The universe needs all of you, you all are important. Your our last hope."
She then vanished for the last time.

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