Part 3

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A/N- Ahaha, I just took a vacation to my hometown in China, and our apartment didn't have wifi, so... I guess I'll just give you another part of this crappy story, heh, sorry.

*The Next Morning*

y/n groggily blinked her eyes, then yawned. She tried to stretch out her arms but realized they were trapped to her side by another pair of arms.

"Huh?" thought y/n, still trying to pull herself into full consciousness. All of a sudden the events from last night came crashing back to her. Her sleepiness disappeared within seconds when Keith's face came into view,  only a few inches away from her. 

Her head was currently buried in the crook of his neck, her hair spread on the pillow behind her. She realized that it was his arms wrapped around her, and their legs had tangled together sometime in the middle of the night. Here comes yet another blush. y/n's face heated up with to the temperature of lava, as she panicked.

"Not, a good position to be in!" thought y/n frantically. "What if Keith wakes up like this, and thinks that I deliberately put us in this position? Oh god, I'd die of embarrassment."

y/n wiggled her legs from his but had no success in slipping out of his arms. Unbeknownst to her, Keith was already awake and only stayed to continue embracing y/n.

"Get a hold of yourself Keith, you should let go of her, I mean it's not like she'll ever like you back no matter how closely you hug her," thought Keith to himself, but despite that he only tugged her body further into his chest, allowing his legs to wind around hers again, this time not letting her escape.

"OMG!" Thought y/n, a new wave of panic washing over her body. "If he knew that he was unconsciously doing this he would murder himself."

Then her heart stopped as she felt Keith's voice rumble up his chest. "Quit shifting around, and let a man sleep will you? It's not like I have school anymore."

y/n instantly froze, before letting the tension release from her body, but her blush only deepened.

"So he is aware," she thought, "What if...."

But she automatically shut down that thought, then started to chastise herself. "It's probably only because he's semi-unconscious that we're still in this position, it's not like someone as amazing as him would EVER like me back."

Slowly but surely she fell back asleep, basking in Keith's warmth. Keith peered down at y/n's sleeping form, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I wish I could stay like this forever," he thought, as he brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "Why does she have to be so beautiful yet unreachable."

Half an hour later y/n woke up yet again and felt Keith still staring at her.

"If you keep that up you'll burn a hole in my head," she muttered, her eyes still shut, and her nose very lightly nuzzling his shirt. Let's just say that her mind wasn't fully comprehensible, and it fell into chaos when it was, which was five seconds later.

"Oh, wait a second, this isn't a dream," thought y/n, her eyes shot open, and her body pretty much went into shock. Oh, no.

y/n literally sprang back landing five feet away from the bed, landing on her feet.

"Omg, Keith I'm sorry, my mind wasn't fully awake. Crap, I really should've back away when I first awoke, but your arms were around me, so I couldn't really move, a-" y/n was rambling on and on, but Keith got up and walked over to her ghosting a kiss on her forehead, stopping her mid-sentence.

"Don't worry, let's just say that my that my mind isn't fully awake either," said Keith stepping back and gently smiling at her.

She blushed an inferno again, and muttered, "I should go change, Everyone's probably waiting for us downstairs."

With this, she left the room, and Keith started to blush, the reality of his actions hit him full force.

"What have I just done?" asked Keith aloud, pulling one of his hands over his face.

After breakfast, Keith left the house to find Shiro, while y/n stay back in the house chatting with Lance, Pidge, and Hunk.

"So y/n, when did you find out that you wanted a singing career," asked Pidge, with an actual microphone and recorder.

"Um, my mom says ever since I was a child actually. My first word was the word, 'Song'." replied y/n, as shy as ever.

"OOH! That's cool," said Pidge excitedly. "It makes sense, singing really suits you."

"Thanks," she replied bashfully.

"Well, this is going to be interesting."

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