Past. Part I

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Why do we wish to go back in time? To fix our mistakes? To skip a heartbreak? To do something we've never done?


We have many regrets that we can't fix, nor forget. Did I hurt someone that I love, or was I too scared to tell someone I love them. Did I witness something that I should've spoken about, or did I get hurt protecting someone?


Was I too honest to someone, or did I just avoid telling the full truth?


Maybe I shouldn't have told that lie. If I would've just told the truth I wouldn't be crying, alone, in my sorrows.


Why did I tell the truth? Why didn't I lie, and spare their feelings?


I should've been more various of their feelings. I was too caught up in myself that I didn't care about them, or their feelings. I hurt them. With my words. With my actions.


Actions speak louder than words. I told them that I love them. Instead, I went out of my way, and cheated on them.


I lost their trust, and betrayed them. What have I done? I hurt the one I loved, and didn't care when I did it. I was so caught up with trying to show others what kind of person I am, that I lost who I was.

Why am I like this? Who am I? I hurt myself, hurting someone I loved. Regret.

I have regrets.

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