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"Traitor!" Kiera screams, slapping her hands onto the glass separating her from the others. She punches the wall again, screaming in rage and sorrow. Chase just stares at her through the frosted glass, the distortion twisting into a wicked smile, taunting Kiera.

But on his side he stares at the wild girl in the glass cage, watching as she soundlessly yells at him. Her fists' smash against the clear wall, but it only shakes, a faint echo of the hit ringing in the room.

Sharply Keira pulls away from the glass, turning around. The space is just the same, plain and simple, yet her whole being has been left shaken and lost. Restlessly she paces the room, breathing hard. Trapped, she circles the cage till she's dizzy, the colours blurring together, the faces smudges through the darkness.

She kicks the glass aggressively, not even noticing the pain. With a tortured sob she leans onto the wall, her blood simmering, The wolf in her claws, begging freedom. Her wolf can't help, not here, not now. She shoves that part of her down, under the raw rage and fury. Her eyes drift closed, but she only see's Chase's face, too placid for what he's done. "Idiot" she hisses to herself, fisting her hands against the glass. "I never should have...let him use me!"

Kiera pulls away from the glass, looking at the distorted figures of her enemies. They're faces are nothing but pale blobs, but the anger bubbles and her insides stir. She twists away, clawing at herself to keep herself, hoping to stay together. Chase, her Chase, wasn't who she expected. She knew he was always too quiet, too blindsided, and yet, this whole time he was putting on another face. Tricking her. Playing her,

Slowly she turns around, holding her breath to hold in the anger and fear. When she places her hand on the glass she notices it shaking, but looks away. Cold chills run over Kiera but she forces her hand to stay plastered to the glass, waiting, watching.

Chase stares at the glass simply, letting the figure move within the glass walls. Her figure's distorted, but he can spot her black hair against the white webs on the wall, a splash of darkness. Distortedly her figure trembles through the glass, ever shifting and changing. His eyes lock into her hand as she places it gently on the wall. Her hand is almost perfect, compared to the haze that is the rest of her.

"What's she doing?" Raymond asks, carefully touching his belt, only to find it empty. With a huff he removes his hand, grumbling about rules under his breath, which Chase ignores.

Chase smiles softly, moving closer to Kiera. Maybe she was accepting this, him. He knows it's hard to see past everything they've done, all the constant battling. She's fighting a losing battle. He just wants her to see the other side of things. He isn't one to say who's good, and who's bad, what's right and what's wrong. He just wants her to know there are other things, other options. If he didn't think this was right, he wouldn't have crossed into enermy territory to beguin with.

 If she rejects him, turns away, than he will accept it. But he won't stop to save her when the end comes, he won't give her another chance to save herself. She'll be just like everyone else, blind and useless, fighting for the wrong side. Blinded with stories. He will only give her a few days to choose, him and the Revokers, or to suffer the curse-if she doesn't die in the brutal cross-fire that will come. He wishes he could keep her safe, warm, loved. But she is to wild to tame, too aggressive to keep locked up and chained. He can't leave her like this. She was more wolf than most, pure instinct and animal. He loved it though, as much as the feral side scared him. 

Chase places his hand on the glass too, staring through it at Kiera's distorted form.

He watches as she pulls away, slamming her fists against the glass with a silent scream. The wall rattles, the vibrations jerking along his arm. With a sigh he drops his hand, turning his back on the girl.

"Do you think she'll change her mind" Raymond asks, staring over Chases shoulder. His eyes flicker to Chase, but glance back as Kiera smacks the wall again. Judging, callculating.

He doesn't have to turn around to know a girl will no longer stand there. A tug pulls at his mind, stirring at his body and soul. He ignores the draw, shaking his head smoothly. "She's stubborn, and rash, she won't listen to me. I don't think she's going to stop to let us-me-explain"

"You know her well" Raymond comments, still not looking at Chase.

"More than she wishes" Is all Chase says before walking out. He doesn't turn around, just leaves Kiera in the glass cage, alone and livid. Raymond follows him out, silent as a ghost.

Kiera snarls from behind the wall, throwing herself at the wall in furry. But no one acknowledges her fighting. She lets out an irritated growl of annoyance and turns her back on the rest of the room, returning to the strange bed she'd woken up in. Smoothly she lies down on the blankets, trying to slow her racing heart.

Nothing could have prepared Kiera for the hell she was going to face, or save her from the heartbreak and deception. It was unavoidable, like a prophesy written in blood, gouged in stone and whispered on the sea breeze. No such words had been uttered, or route marked out for her to follow, but the knowledge was there. No witches found it when looking through a mirror, and no long gone prophesier saw it play out, no divine force set the actions in motion.

It was every choice ever made.

Every action ever used.

Every glance that ever was meet by another's eyes.

Every breath ever stolen.

Maybe coincidence: that the two opposites were pulled together, or maybe just accident, but the two things so separate; they were more than fire and ice, are pulled together.

The two parallel fight for the same things, but only one had their eyes open. 

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