Chapter 8

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Between the light puffs of ice falling and the dead tree’s reaching for the sky the fire is just a soft light burning in the distance. Grey shadows crawl over the world, obscuring it like a bad gay scale with no contrast, with only a warm white glow to lick at the edges of shapes and set them a soft yellow.

Chase watches as Kiera’s hair, just a black smudge in front of him, bounces through the slated backdrop. She’s a soft silhouette in the low light, her edges seeming to blur. With swish her hair fans out, and then her shadowed face is turned at him. Kiera’s eyes are almost luminescent. He blinks, trying to find the difference between her iris and the whites, but it’s so dark it’s just a grey smudge, with a black pupil. A shiver tickles his shoulders. “Why’d I let you convince me to come?” she hisses. Chase flinches. Her low hiss sounds like it belongs to the shadowy, demon look she wears currently.

“Because I’m deadly convincing,” he jokes, a smile stretching over his face.

Kiera’s head cocks ever so slightly. For a second Chase notices every individual strand of hair, and the blue lines they make against the yellow fire light. “Doubtful,” Kiera mutters.

Chase rolls his eyes as she spins away, hair flaring again. A different smile tugs at his lips now.

Voices rise in darkness, sounding much like gremlins screaming and wailing happily. Sweat and alcohol carry on the wind, accompanied strongly with the scents of young wolves. Chase finds the smell strangely applying.

The light burns away the darkness, til all Chase can hear is laughter and flames. He stops beside Kiera, taking in the scene.

He’d never though what a party was like, but he heard that there’s supposed to be music, loud, fast music with a killer beat. There was no music. But there’s lots of laughter and bare skin flashing, sweaty bodies moving. On the other side of the bonfire, Chase can hear the sounds of fighting, smell the blood staining the air. People litter the area near the snow, bottles scattering the still frozen ice. Not far from the fight Chase can make out two figures, one his next-door neighbour who happens to be topless. Her eyes flash bright yellow as she pulls away from the guy, and Chase gets a clear view of her chest before her eyes meet his, and only seconds later, so does the males.

Chase looks away from the pair. His next-door neighbour isn’t the only shirtless girl however, Chase notices.

Chase glances at Kiera, and raises an eyebrow at her facial expression. “You don’t like it?”

Kiera’s eyes meet his. “This is a party?” She asks lowly. “Looks more like a Play Boy Mansion ad.”

“A what?”

For the first time ever Kiera looks surprised, her eyes shining almost a yellow green in the light. “You don’t-Wow. Who knew Big Old Bad Chase didn’t know what Play Boy Mansion it.”

“I was kidding, of course I know what Play Boy Mansion is,” Chase grins. “I’d be an idiot if I didn’t” He can feel his smile twitching, almost sliding off as she stares him down.

“Sure” Kiera finally mutters.

He sighs in relief as the black haired girl turns away and her piercing eyes stop trying to force the truth out of him. Kiera disappears around the bonfire, where he can hear Kadar yelling something obnoxious around laughing. Cody’s head appears between the flames, hair burning a golden orange.

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