Chapter 23

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Kiera’s head smacks into the wall hard, making white light blossom. Everything hurts, as if every muscle is bruised and every bone broken. Hot blood splatters down her chest as she’s forced across the floor, the wolf pressing every advantage. Trapped in the corner between the fridge and wall she can only kick out weakly.

Kadar snarls, twisting his head sharply to one side, then the other.

Her necks torn open; her head smacks into the fridge and more white light burns her vision. Someone’s screaming over the snarls. She can’t tell if she’s fighting, if she’s lying still; dead. She tries kicking at Kadar blindly, unsure if she’s even lifting her nerveless legs. Her paws push at his jaw, slipping through mattered fur and blood. Fear and panic flood her mind like a river spilling into her mind, overriding the pain until it’s only an echo lost within the chaos of terror.

Her lungs burn for air, but all she gets is blood; thick, hot blood that threatens to choke her.

The teeth are removed from her neck with a loud thump.

Kiera sags against the walls, gapping for air, oxygen, yet knows it’s impossible.

She can see movement through the blurry light, shadows moving and colours smudging her vision. She can almost guess what’s happening. She whines brokenly, wishing she could speak. She can’t remember what’s stopping her.

Her vision clears enough she can see the wolf blob jumping at a figure wielding an oddly shaped object. Kiera’s mind reels, trying to remember who the person was, but the image is too unclear. Mum… she thinks out of nowhere, I want her... Out of nowhere, the scene changes completely.

Something else invades the action, another dark smear in Kiera jumbled thoughts.

Kiera forces her feet under her, annoyed by her own shallow pants resonating in her ears. Her legs tremble and give out on her, as useful as jelly. I need to help… Kiera staggers. Her shoulder hits the fridge; she knows she should feel some sort of pain, but there’s nothing except dull acknowledgement.

Refusing to be left out by a small wound, Kiera shakes her head harshly. It doesn’t help much; the world’s still a blur of over exposed coloured, but the shapes are coming more into focus. Other sounds accompany the rasping and wet sound invading her head, a kind of rumble and roar that makes her skin prickle.

Pink paints the ground, wall and counters in long, hazardous splatters. Is that blood? Kiera thinks numbly; she can’t be sure.

The darker blob suddenly falls, withering on the floor as if broken. It bolts upright as the other shape pounces on him, but doesn’t get far. More pink stains the ground, and this time the darker wolf stays down.

Only when the lighter figure moves closer can she see it’s a wolf, its Chase, side painted an odd shade of rosy pink. She wants to collapse; let sleep claim her, but Chase pushes against her side. Kiera stumbles, unsure where her legs are compared to the ground. Confused, she lets Chase herd, and despite her constant stumbling, he makes no attempt to give up.

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