Chapter 4

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Kiera rudely torn from sleep, jerking out of the tangle of blankets and into the cold air. The room swims in darkness, but a sound from outside forces her out of bed. Within seconds Kiera’s rushing down stairs, not surprised to see Bree slamming on Jess’s door. “Get up!” Bree shouts, and turn to Kiera with annoyed eyes. “Why is you’re sister too lazy to get up and help?”

Kiera doesn’t even pause near her mother; instead she strips from her shirt. She’d caught Jess sneaking out to go to her boyfriends, Kane or Rain or something. She wasn’t going to tell her mum that, so instead she calls back, “Just leave her, she’s probably already outside!”

“Then why’s the door locked!?” Bree shouts.

The front door almost comes off its hinges as Kiera tosses it open. Within seconds Kiera’s skins no longer being bitten by the frozen air, and instead her paws are hitting the snow with muffled thumps. She pauses in the snow. It takes her a moment to find where the sounds coming from, to smell the blood on the air. She turns tail quickly, heading around the house. The snow flicks up as she runs, but she no longer remember her displeasure at feeling the snow melt.

She passes her bedroom window and jumps through the snow, following the smell of blood. It’s quiet, unlike when it’s just outside the house. The sound of fighting carries scarcely on the wind. Tree’s flash past Kiera as she runs, her blood running hotter and hotter at the thought of fighting. She can hardly believe she’s about to be allowed to fight. While they grow up, the werewolves are not allowed to jump into Revoker battles, not until they’re 16 and have completed getting their partners. She thought it was stupid, but hardly questioned it.

Kiera suddenly comes up short, pulling to a halt. Stains of red mark the snow, little slashes of blood every few feet apart. But there is no foot prints, no over turned snow. She lifts her head quickly, already jerking away from the sound of the branch creaking.

The shadow almost lands squarely on the Kiera, the knife swinging out to burry in her side. She hardly slides away before the person crashes where she was seconds ago. She snarls, before they can recover from the fall. Her muscles bunch, and her fur stands on end as she lunches forward, crashing into the figure like a train. A deep grunt echo’s from the person as she hit them.  Together they roll through the snow, struggling against each other. An arm curls around her should and a knife nicks her back, but Kiera twists around.

A rugged scream’s torn from the person as her teeth sink deep into his wrist. The knife brushes her cheek as he desperately attempts to stab her, but it falls from his hand. A fist suddenly collides with Kiera face, knocking her off him.

Without pause Kiera snaps back around, ignoring the knife he’s grabbed again. For the first time she saw what the Revoker looked like. It was just a flash of dark hair and a pale flesh, inked with tattoo’s that twine up his arms, the splash of red on the otherwise colorless man. Her flesh burns where the knife slides over her chest but it’s lost in the rush of adrenaline and hot blood. She was only half of the man’s weight, but regardless, she pushes him into the snow. Her claws dig into his chest, and she snaps at his throat, and may have closed her teeth on it if he hadn’t lifted his hand. Her teeth snap dangerously close to his chin.

A dull pain laces up her neck as he squeezes her throat, briefly cutting off her oxygen till she jerks back. The knife slips from her chest, dark blood staining the man’s hand. She has no idea how he can still use his hand with the damage to his wrist, but he wields the knife smoothly.

Kiera lashes out with her paw, snapping for his arm again to disarm him.

Blood dribs down her chin as she closes her jaw over his hand. He drops the knife with a shout, trying to dislodge her, but unable to with her claws threatening to take out his eyes. His uninjured arm swats at her jaw, but keeps protecting his throat heedlessly. All she needs is a tiny opening so she can get to his throat.

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