Chapter 2

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Kiera’s feet trod over the snow, sinking deep into the white ice til her ankles are covered. Ahead her, Romy bounces on her heels, making sure to stay a meter in front, dare she fall behind. “Come on” Romy calls, breathing into her hands. “I wouldn’t be surprised to find ice forming on your hair and a snail trail in the snow”

Kiera rolls her eyes. “Whatever.” Her eyes slide away from the blond, scrutinizing every individual who walked the same path. There was half a dozen, but Keira knew only two others would end up in the same room as Kiera and Romy. A thrill of anticipation shivers through her veins. Less than twenty wolves would be joining, but Kiera can’t help think that some of them don’t deserve to go.

She’d grown up always knowing that she would be mated, to bare someone’s child and consider an adult in all aspects. She would finally be allowed fight, to drink and live. For a sixteen year old who had only known little scraps she wanted something bigger, something more dangerous.

Kiera waves at the figure wondering towards them. Cody just nods as she moves closer, her strides even and causal. “What’s up?” Kiera asks as they draw closer.

“No much” Cody answers, letting Romy hook an arm through hers.

Without permission Romy seizes Kiera’s arm too. “You two are so slow. Now, come on so Eleanor can tell me I’m meant to Kadar’s mate. The sooner that happens, the sooner I can drag him to bed and have my way with him” she declares unfazed.

Keira doesn’t mention that she couldn’t get Kadar to do anything, but then again, this is Romy that’s talking. Romy and Kadar would be a killer couple, if they were matched. Kadar was pure muscle, and attacked with raw power and precision. He was breed for killing.

Romy on the other hand was just deadly aggression, and charged in without thought. But she didn’t need the thought since she was quick and agile. The second someone was off their feet she powers through until they are forced to submit or have their blood stain the ground.

Kiera isn’t sure if together they’d be a good thing. For all she knows Romy and Kadar will end up tearing each other to shreds.

Cody wasn’t one to worry about any of that, she could get the most annoying guy ever and would still be chilled.

Kiera worried what she would get. None of them talk as they make their way to the main house. A simple, yet elegant path leads them to the stairs. Strangely enough, no snow layers the marble. Instead of following the stone walkway into the house they stop and wait with the rest of the group.

Kiera notes there are two extra guys to girls and kicks at the snow. It still doesn’t mean every girl would get a mate. She’d seen the most impossible pairings between the wolves, but somehow they all seemed to work. To her the pairing system seemed logical; she just didn’t know the logic that was used.

Romy called it bullshit, than after a minute had joked they looked into a magic ball to find the matches.

It was than Keira turn to say bullshit.

But that was over a year ago, when the group was nothing more than kids pretending they knew everything.

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