Chapter 29

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“This is the Revokers! They put these here as a trophy, to show us what they’ve done!” A young man yells. Wolves snarl in agreement. The crowd of glowing eyes bear their teeth in anger. The fury burns so hot through them that the pain from last night’s squashed back.

Some have not changed yet, like Cody who stays back at the tree line. Her eyes watch the livid sea of fur.

“They declared war!” Someone else yells. The shift is almost taking over the older woman, and her eyes shine bronze. She skin seems to ripple with energy. “I say we give them one!”

The wolves bark and growl. They’re so riles up they bump against each other, nipping viciously. Someone’s almost howling in agreement.

“Who said it’s the Revokers!” Kadar shouts. He’d left her a few minutes ago when this all started. His eyes cut into the crush of fur and paws, teeth and claws in front of him. The shift ripples under Kadar skin, and several of the closer wolves skitter back with growls. He knows who did this. He knows, and yet the rage consumes him the same. He retrieves one of the many ‘declarations of war’ off the ground to holds it up.

The wolves surge again in all directions, snapping at each other. They circle around the circle of pelts littering the ground. Family and friends pelts are there; blacks, greys and browns. There is no bigger insult, then to be skinned.

Cody doesn’t move closer, although she’s dying to see if Romy’s coat is there. It is, so Chase says.

“The Revokers didn’t do this!” Kadar shouts. A few people growl in protest. “The Alcrests did. Can you not smell the magic on them? The Alcrests are no our saviours, they’re our Jailers!”

“No…” Cody whispers. She casts a quick glance at Dermot and Eleanor standing to the side. “Not like this, Kadar….you’re going to get yourself killed…” She pulls in a quiet breath. They needed to pack to balk. They don’t need a splitting war down the middle; it will destroy everything.

Dermot glowers. Eleanor raises an eyebrow questioningly, but says nothing.

“Protectors!” A male speak shouts back. “The world doesn’t except us! This is our home; the Alcrest’s would never do something like this!”

The female from earlier bares her teeth although she’s in human form. “Stand down, little boy, and get back in your place! You sound almost disloyal! You’re not a traitor are you?”

“Protecting us from what! The only threat I see is the Revokers and that’s because, they want the Alcrest dead. The Alcrest’s don’t care about us! We’re only guards; soldiers in their army! Isn’t that right?”

Eleanor levels the trembling crowd with cool eyes. “This is an exchange. You protect us, we protect you. Is it not fair?”

“Fair” Kadar snarls. He circles around the mound of pelts in the snow. “You don’t know what fair is! Is it fair that the bodies you’re using are human ones? Is it fair that you say we die in battle, only for us to be slaughtered? Is it fair you sell our pelts for money? How else do you get it, huh?”

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