Chapter 2: The Tempest

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They maintained steady course upon the gentle sea -- passengers and sailors alike, appreciating the stillness of water and sweetness of breeze. But the sixth day of their sail would yet deter this feeling and begin the sequence of negativity.

Wild upon the waters, the Ghost swam deeper in purpose according to its master's bidding -- Captain Helsher. Sometime around midnight there came a great wind -- it struck the waters bitterly, and with it a mighty tempest.

This was the first of their peril.

The mariners fought the storm at the top deck, while we waited.

The storm slapped the waters. The wave surged rigorous crashing on the porthole. On his expedition with Captain Homdrey, they had fought series of storms, yet none remained this determined

The effect of the crashing waves and thrashing winds was interpreted deeply at the poop cabin. Turbulence prevailed. A deep screech yanked his mind back to the reality in the deck. A little girl folded herself to the edge and wept. She wasn't the only one this way! He spared her no compassion -- she and her likes, and advanced. Few men knocked shoulders with him. He frowned and passed ignoring their crassness. At each corner of the cabin, he found groups praying to a deity. What would it solve.

He would not be like the others. He would strive to change fate this time again. But the Captain had given strong orders to remain at the quarters and allow the professionals battle the tempest.

There was no such thing a professionals in such threatening storm.

Elreals fears were increasing -- they were throbbing twice stronger, and even so impelling him to act. He would not remain stocked at the quarters while their ship was only moment to being torn apart. It was pointless.

He didn't hesitate. He sprang up from where he laid. In a moment he was upon another quarter. He chased from deck to deck, till he had come on atop deck. It was worse than he imagined.

The mariners were absolutely engaged seeking to save the ship. The heaving and rolling of the ship made their strive worse. One of the fore masts was down. The trouble was growing! 

The Helmsman -- whomever he was, held the struggle, yet from where Elreal laid he perceived an amateur be on the wheels.

"Brother!" A strong voice banished his thoughts. The acquaintance drew closer with distressed eyes.

"This ship would go down with all of us." Dierl looked to Elreal, deeply wounded by terror and distress. The slap of wave and shake of the vessel reinforced Dierls predictions with striking fear.

Elreal crawled up and found something to hold unto. He screamed to the other mate tossed aside and battling for coordination.
"This ship would not go down with me in it."

Dierl said no word to refute. But Elreal could see how much his eyes debunked that claim.

"Where is the Captain?" Elreal fought his way to him. But Dierl went cold silent at the question.

Several moments passed without a word. Then with an exhale he spilled the acrid news.
"The captain is dead. We couldn't even find his body. He was tossed out during the cause of the unstableness and was lost to the waters"

Strong cold cloaked Elreal at the news that was told him. The Captain was the most experienced individual and the one with most understanding of the mechanics of the Ghost. He felt the agony burn deep through as a needle through silk. But it was more for their ill fate than mere sentiment.

The wave struck again. A mariner flyin off the ship was the interpretation. It fueled Elreal's agitation and he hurried with his words.
"Who is at the wheel? Who is sailing this ship?"

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