Chapter 8: Truth Told -001

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The sea was calm and the winds were in their favor. Every element of nature held its affirmation to the sail.
Elreal prowled the ship taking count and marking the men's mood. In all his life, he had never managed a position as a leader. All he was ever good at was being the faithful follower. Now this was his laden to bear. But it was in fact a mighty one -- to fight for the hearts of men.

Sometime before the sun had slipped away, Elreal had disappeared back to his cabin--the Captain's cabin. He couldn't contain the atmosphere that reigned the ship./Negativity and uncertainty laid the heart of shipmates. Mariners whom had accepted to the insane sail were already regretting it.

From their brutal assessment, the sail would be a cumbersome one. Adding to this reality, their was no telling exactly where they were headed.

Truth be told, Elreal was rather scared to face the mariners, because in reality he was void of true purpose. But why was he scared? He was Captain now -- a reward that had been handed him for spearheading the revolt against Goor.
Driven thus into the night, Jerther had come up to meet with him. Elreals demeanor changed sourly at the presence of the veteran. Amongst the mariners and shipmates, this one was more famous on the vessel than any of Elreal's circle. Getting up orders was something that followed without a second thought. In this, he had set up few men on guard for the night.

At the current state of the ship, if the wanted to take the ship already from Elreal, he would have done it with a snap and without a struggle.
He strode into the deeper into cabin where the light still flickered. The ship creaked as it crested a wave, and a sail high above gave the flap. Jerther pushed in the door and walked in. His boots pressing upon the wooden floor with a creak and a soft pad, strengthened Elreals worries as he drew nearer.

"Captain Elreal," Pronounced the man with a smile.

If Elreal already understood something, it was that of all his friends, this sail veteran was an opportunist, yet the fondest of the water. He might not be best of sailors or navigator, but he was too brilliant a ship man not to take an ally.

"Am not a Captain." The current Elreal exhaled, already fed up with the title and yet not able to uphold it.

"But of course you are." He said cockily.

"The ship was retaken from Goor under my lead. It doesn't make me Captain."

"It was retaken and handed to who? You. Besides, its you who has been residing in this cabin ever since and issuing course for us to follow. A shame, it seems now like we don't even have a course anymore."

Elreal had tried to retort, but he very well knew Jerther was right. He ignored the sarcasm in the man's tone and kept silent.

"The sailors are worried," Jerther began again. "this ship used to be a transit piece. Retaking it from that maniac was a struggle. We lost a lot of mariners from either party -- both working and a great good fighting men. The terror Goor' regime ignited is the true cause for their uncertainty now. Some are worried, others are scared. They really need to know the course of this vessel and for what; duty or adventure."

"What do you mean duty or adventure?"

"Ever since Goor' conquest, I have found you to be consistently studying that map. I have been long enough the waters to know once their is a map, their is also a destination."

Elreals eyes fell on the map before him. He lifted them to the visitor's. The flickering torch couldn't hide the lust in those orbs.

"And what makes you think you deserve yet to know a thing?" Elreal shrugged.

"Aside being a worried sailor, I am also your friend."

"Friend!" Elreal scoffed. "What kind of friend lies and deceives his own friends. Helping us take down Goor doesn't change any of you or Dierls sin's."

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