Chapter 6: The Revolt

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    "You will know no glory. Your place is in service, and service unto death. The House of Hand bid it so."

Theirs words echoed each day in his mind, until somehow he began finding truth in them.
The House of Herdely -- The House of Hand.
They had picked them, raised them and groomed them to be nothing but war instruments.

Elreal's fist tightened upon his strapped blade, as the sour events of the House slammed into him. 

He needed to still his nerves. Ale would be adequate.

He poured a cup full of ale as his thoughts swam to the many moments Lord Paltiel had assured him. The teacher was his only redemption. His ticket to eternal freedom. Well the freedom had come, except this wasn't eternal. From one mess he found himself drift unto another woe.

This was another. Another prediction of doom. A curse. His curse -- one he had willed upon himself. A suicidal endeavor. The thought to kill the strongest man on a large vessel as the Ghost.

Between sips of the ale, his thoughts were better furnished. A sudden knock on the door yet banished them all.

"Captain," the first of a band of three men, called as they walked in.


This was only becoming hopeless than he had presumed. More men on the Wheelhouse would do his objective no good.

Elreal knew he had to be creative. He had to think fast, and it had to be coordinated.

But Goor wouldn't spare him a moment of freedom. Though he wasn't bonded by chains, but he would be a fool to believe he wasn't prisoner in that deck.

Goor wouldn't leave the room. Two of his men guided his lines each moment. So they made it seem, but Elreal knew the mariners were there for him -- to place him on check and assure his ultimate loyalty.

Goor was no fool to plunge all trust on the flimsy word the young man had made. "Undying loyalty." Only a fool gives an undying loyalty on the seas.

Suddenly Elreal's thought flashed to his mates. They did not know of his intended plan, howbeit they ought to have been at the initial scheme. The very moment the Ghost turned around, the signal to begin the assault was given.

His own plan depended wholly on their charge. He needed the turmoil they would birth. He needed their strength. Hell he needed Zar's bow.

But where were they?  Had they not read the sign?  Or had calamity befallen them?  Had the plan come to ruin? Had they been caught already...

"Elreal," Goor screamed. I realized my racing mind made me unaware of the times my name had been called...perhaps a hundred.

"You seem far from this vessel," Goor smiled authoritatively. "Thinking of the adventures for the vault? Aye, our time is coming Voyager." He smiled.

"The men are conflicted," Goors tone changed. Elreal caught his heart beat nervously.

"What seems to be the problem?" Elreal in toned.

"They wonder why the ship has turned. They are worried am confused," he smiled darkly, stepping away from the men.
"What must I do?" Goor eyes flashed with anxiety.

Elreal's nervousness calmed -- not ultimately though. He stretched to speak. A stutter first. He cleared his rough throat and pressed on.

"Its essential they remain in the dark as to our new mission. At least for now, till we are rid of the inconveniences of some presence." Elreal spoke. His confidence grew as the word came out.
But Goor wasn't satisfied, he wanted more. His eyes still shone eagerly.

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