Chapter 5: Pledge Voyager

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Knuckles tightly clenched in anxiety, he took in the fierce gazes of the stern men who rest the deck. All that was left was a single call, and these savage men would gladly rip him apart.

Elreal paced softly with steps as though were padded. The aggressive stare of the men in scrutiny told these men held the least trust for him. But Elreal would not be intimidated. He maintained pace up for the serpent who in fact grinned impishly on sight of him.

Approaching the mad man, Elreal reminded himself why he was indulging in this suicide. The serpents peek from top the Captain cabin trailed him down. The man held same distrust as his mate. This could be the end before it even began.

But Elreal knew why this was his glorious service to the revolt. Had he told his mates of his true intent, they would have forced him to opt out the dread fantasy.

But he had do what he had to do. A direct confrontation alas was calamity. Goor and his party held the more number, the better weapon, and also the better ground. Aside these, the seamen were practice men, made vigorous through tides and sea trials.

His plan was simple -- 'cut the head of the snake and the body would die.'
By might or craftiness, Goors death would surely bring an end to the whole madness.

But by might, where was their chances?
They would all be crushed to meat paste before Goor even get the stench of their suicidal optimism. Their most sane option was being crafty.

Elreal rehearsed over and again how he dimmed the procession of the meeting to unfold. He took to reasoning the monster he was dealing with. Before his own eyes, the same maniac had gunned down two men and felt no sympathy.

Elreal could still hear the savage thunder of the firearm, rumbling from thousand miles depth within his mind. He remembered keenly the eyes of the falling men as they faced their doom -- fear and shock in harmony. If the serpent so wished now, he could even end his life without a second thought.

Fear and guilt strode by, but the better of them both gripped him even harder -- guilt.
He felt guilt for standing and watching innocent fellows fall to sleep eternal, merely for speaking their mind...and yet he making no attempt to assuage the calamity.
He couldn't save them then, but he could yet save a larger number now. All that entailed was courage.

"Voyager!" Alas came the hail of the mad man with his sickening grin.

"Behold the savior of us all on the night of the tempest. Truly I tell, had it not been this man who saved our sorry souls, by thunder we'd be long buried deep beneath sea sand. So show the man due respect,"
Goor who now laid within spoke with mocking amusement to his men standing firm at the entrance.

In sound of his declaration, the men cleared entry, while the supposedly defiant Elreal walked up into the room.

"You haven't been a frequent picture of lately." Goors welcoming statement held up his jest.

"Aye, what can I say, your administration gives me less option aside the lower deck." Elreal gave a simple smile.

Aside Elreal and his host, Goors companions lay seated the room as well -- three of them, all with their contemptuousness thick as a baton.

Goor smiled sardonically, and then gave him a comely gesture. Adhering the invitation, Elreal took to the seat before the ironwood table.

"That my friend I must say is your fault. Meanwhile, what truly brings you here?" Goor suddenly transformed. His disposition held it all -- threat.

"I am tired of staying at that hole doing nothing. I know this ship would never go back to Dephos as you have promised. I want to join you on your expedition," with a nonchalant smile worn, Elreal told.

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