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Dedicated to @avril_fan ang magandang author


Prime Division
Superior Division
Emerald Division
Dawn Division

The world of magic divided in four division

In East the Emerald Division where every part of those division is where ice is everywhere

In North the Superior Division where the laws are the Superior

In South the Prime Division where freedom, maggi, monarchy, are important

In West the Dawn Division where crime, madness, hatred and rebels born and rise


In the history of Magic World the Four Division was once united not until the Dawn Division make their move to over thrown the king of the Prime where the war has started and everything became mess

Emerald become more ice, mind and heart

Superior have no one to trust in three division

Prime they more became the warrior and ready to charge their army

Dawn they more became evil and worst

But then the prophecy started to chant

A baby will born

In the division where warriors born

To stop the madness

To unites again the lost

And everything changed again
Different division starting to move
To move a different plan
A plan that can effect everyone
In a different ways

The Curse Of being Chosen (Ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon