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Reborn reports to Nono that Tsukiko is getting bullied, and she doesn't fought back to her bullies.

Primo overhears the conversation and got mad--or should I say furious--about what happen to his cute little granddaughter and burst in the room and planned with Reborn and Nono about the tortu--class trip gonna happen.

Giotto and Reborn smirk and Nono smiled -- and no! no! not the kind smile but a smile that told thousands of pain in the upcoming tortu -- class trip coming --


'*shivers* what's this feeling? It feels something big will happen' a certain brunette shivers.

Her five companion(Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, Kyoko and Hana, FYI Kyoko and Hana knows what Tsukiko is involved with)look at her worried.


The door slam open revealing the principal and Reborn in his disguise as Reboyama-sensei and he have this glint in his eyes, and his arrival post-poned the lesson -- which lesson is Math, the rat's--I mean Nezu-sensei's lesson -- the class looked at the principal who was behind Reborn -- or Reboyama in case for the students' with the exception of six certain students' who know his identity --

"Reboyama-sensei has an annoucement for everyone, so please listen to him" the principal told the students' and teacher.

"Ciao, your class trip to Kyoto is cancelled -- all the students' groaned exception of the six certain students' -- and except for that your class is going to Italy, and your class is chosen by the Vongola Corporation -- Tsukiko stiffen and the five other smiled for some reason, and students mumuring about the famous company -- they will provide your needs in the trip and there will be special guests coming along with us, any questions" Reborn finish his loong annoucement.

A student raised his hand,"Reboyama-sensei what about our passports and permission from our parent???"

Reborn answered coolly, "That problem will be taken care by the Vongola Company, just take this letter give this to your parents' and don't open it, as for the passports' just give you ID and the Vongola can handle it"

"The class secretary, please collect the ID of those students' who dont't have a passport"Reborn requested.

The class secretary collects the others ID except for six certain students' the class secretary reach Tsukiko's desk and slammed her hand at the --innocent-- desk demand for her ID, Tsukiko shooked her head and the secretary fumed raised her hand going to pull the brunette's hair hard, but before that happens Reborn spoke.

"Sawada Tsukiko, Dokuro Chrome, Gokudera Hayato, Kurokawa Hana, Sasagawa Kyoko and Yamamoto Takeshi already have a passport and a dual citizen sheet (?) due that their living there too, so they don't have to give their ID"

"I understand Gokudera-kun, Kurokawa-san, Dokuro- san, Kyoko-chan and Yamamoto-kun, b-but Dame-Tsuki"the class secretary protest.

"Then deal with it" Reborn maliciously said (secretly glaring at her along and with the certain five students).

"And tomrrow will be you be learning Basics in Italian so you can speak in Italy, without difficulty. My old student will teach you the Basics in Italian" Reborn added quickly.


Tsukiko's POV

I could only sigh while walking home with Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto-kun bickering.(more like Gokudera)

Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto-kun looked at me worried, I only wave it saying 'I'm fine' and smile.

We continued walking with Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto-kun bickering until we reached my home, saying goodbye before seperating paths.

And that I went inside the house yelling 'tadaima' recieving an 'Okaeri' from Maman and excused myself to retired for today to see Reborn looking at me when I walk straight to my room and fall to my bed to tired to move.

And with that Morpheus took me.

Class Trip to Italy!! (KHR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now