Chapter 1 Part 2

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"Ciao Gokudera-kun, come stai facendo tu e gli altri?" [Hello Gokudera-kun, how are you and the others' doing?] Dino questioned.

"Stiamo bene, specialmente decimo, Cavallone" [We're doing fine, especially tenth, Cavallone] Gokudera replied to Dino calmly (a/n: which is unusual).

"Bene! Ora il prossimo ...." [Good! Now next one....] Dino announced.














"Bene! Ora il prossimo .... Tsukiko Sawada"
[Good! Next one.... Tsukiko Sawada] Tsukiko stand up and walked up infront of the classroom and face Dino infront of the class. Dino smiled at her, to encourage her.

Chapter 1 Part 2: Dino-sensei!!
《Present Tome》
Third POV●

Tsukiko stand up straight infront of Dino and wait for the greeting Dino will give for her to answer.

"Ciao, mio sorellina carino come stai facendo tu egli altri?" qustioned/greeted Dino to Tsukiko, and Tsukiko rensponded fluently in Italian that might look like it's her mother tounge.

"Stiamo bene fratello, come stai facendo Cavallone Famiglia?" Tsukiko answered and questioned Dino with a worried tone.

"Stiamo bene sorellina" answered Dino while smiling to Tsukiko who smiled at him, and the student's who's watching them jawdroped at the two who's speaking fluently.

Meanwhile Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, Kyoko, Hana and Haru smiled at their boss and thought; 'Today is only just the beginning of our plan'.

☆Third POV☆

After the lesson in Dino's class which had a lot of student's except for Tsukiko's group, had a lot of problem in pronouncing the sentence.

While other student's wonder why does dame-tsuki speak in Italian with so much ease like eating rice, while for them it's hard like you have to survive in the wild [(lame)pun intended].

The Hibari Kyoya went in their class, after Dino's lesson and went to Tsukiko's group and turn to Tsukiko and said his infamous (?) line.

"Herbivore, I'll bite you to death"

In which a piercing 'HIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!' and in panic Tsukiko quietly (read: loudly) made a deal with Hibari that their going to spar after school in the baseball field. Secretly a lot of student's spread this until the population of the school agreed to attend the spar between Tsukiko and Hibari after class.

A/n: I'm sorry it's short and lame...

_________________________________________A/n: I'm sorry it's short and lame

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