Chapter 1 Part 3

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The Hibari Kyoya went in their class, after Dino's lesson and went to Tsukiko's group and turn to Tsukiko and said his infamous (?) line.

"Herbivore, I'll bite you to death"

In which a piercing 'HIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!' and in panic Tsukiko quietly (read: loudly) made a deal with Hibari that their going to spar after school in the baseball field. Secretly a lot of student's spread this until the population of the school agreed to attend the spar between Tsukiko and Hibari after class.


After School
Third POV

The student's of Nami-chuu are on the baseball field (avoiding crowding or they will taste the demon prefect's wrath), where the spar will begin. Hibari is already standing at the centre of the field with Tsukiko at the side.

Tsukiko walked to go to the centre of the field, ready to battle(spar) with her life on the line. Tsukiko fell to her stance same goes with Hibari.

In this fight, Tsukiko can only defend on her physical strenght because of the students around the field. Hibari attack first with his tonfa's at Tsukiko, in which Tsukiko defended herself with her arms in a form of 'x'.

The students we're shock at the fight, that the scrawny dame-tsuki survive the demon prefect's attack. The students watched in awe when Tsukiko thrusted an upper cut toward the prefect, Hibari deflected it. This contiunes until one of them falls.


The whole school shooked when the spar ended, as they witness the scrawny weak dame-tsuki is equal at strenght with the demon prefect.

It was unbelievable, but they witness it with their own eyes. But the bullies of Tsukiko can't truly believe, but they assured themselves it was by luck (but no one I mean no one could get away from the prefect by luck only).

But the others only dismiss it, much to the displeasure of the four (Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, Kyoko and Hana). The four went out to the rooftop, but not before inviting to Tsukiko where they will all go. Tsukiko however didn't accepted the offer, saying that she had to go somewhere.

"They haven't realized that the Tenth is amazing!" shouted Gokudera to no one.

"Maa maa, maybe it takes time for them to realized it..(or we will be doing it at Italy)" Takeshi comforts Gokudera, who hadn't notice the unsaid word, but Hana, Kyoko and Chrome caught it. "What do you mean by that!"

"What Yamamoto mean is, 'if they haven't realize it then we will take it to Italy'" Hana explained to Gokudera who calm down and has a thoughtful look.

"Well.. if we're going to take it to Italy... then those b*st*rds better be prepared" Gokudera started.

"Because the people on the mansion are going to take revenge for Tsuna too" Yamamoto continued.

"Prepare for hell, monkeys" Hana finished.

All the students down stairs felt a shiver on their spine, but dismiss it, quickly thinking because of the wind.(a/n: to remind you Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, Kyoko and Hana are in the rooftop with Hibari laying on the unseen corner in the rooftop....).


A/n: please forgive me for not updating. I have been so busy because of schoolworks. Please forgive me..TT_TT

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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